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Quotations about
Eating & Overeating

Welcome to my page of quotations about eating, hunger, appetite, meals, nutrition, drinking, digestion, gluttony, etc. Bon mot appétit! —tεᖇᖇ¡·g

Here it is, let us grub. ~George Sand, letter to Gustave Flaubert, 1873

Some people have a foolish way of not minding, or pretending not to mind, what they eat. For my part, I mind my belly very studiously, and very carefully; for I look upon it, that he who does not mind his belly will hardly mind anything else. ~Samuel Johnson

The perversion by man of the maxim "Eat to live" into "Live to eat" has created many miseries of mind and body... ~Ferdinand Dupré, M.D., Orthodox or Allopathic Medicine: What Is It?, 1867

The best General Rule for Diet that I can write, is to Eat and Drink only of such Foods—at such times,—and in such quantities—as Experience has convinced you, agree with your Constitution—and absolutely to avoid all other. ~William Kitchiner (1775–1827), "Art of Invigorating Life," The Art of Invigorating and Prolonging Life, by Food, Clothes, Air, Exercise, Wine, Sleep, &c. and Peptic Precepts, Pointing Out Agreeable and Effectual Methods to Prevent and Relieve Indigestion, and to Regulate and Strengthen the Action of the Stomach and Bowels, c.1821

Take time enough for your meals, and eat them in company whenever you can. There is no need for hurry in life—least of all when we are eating. ~Edward Everett Hale, "How to Get the Best of It," c.1892

The scientific truth may be put quite briefly; eat moderately, having an ordinary mixed diet, and don't worry. ~Robert Hutchison, 1932

EDIBLE, adj.  Good to eat, and wholesome to digest, as a worm to a toad, a toad to a snake, a snake to a pig, a pig to a man, and a man to a worm. ~Ambrose Bierce

Anybody who believes that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach flunked geography. ~Robert Byrne, The Third — and Possibly the Best — 637 Best Things Anybody Ever Said, 1986

Food is an important part of a balanced diet. ~Fran Lebowitz

Real food is the stuff that fuels real life! ~Kristina Turner

The ancient philosophers located the soul in the stomach; later it was located in the heart; but after Harvey and others demonstrated this organ to be nothing but a lump, the soul was located in the cranium. However, I am inclined to think that the ancient philosophers were right. For it is truly said that dyspepsia and religion do not go well together, but good digestion and holiness are twins. A holy man is a healthy, whole man, with all the functions in good order. Dyspepsia is the remorse of a guilty stomach, a physiological sin. Good digestion is more to be desired than great riches. ~F. J. Groner, M.D., "Health Hints," 1889

A good digestion turneth all to health... ~George Herbert

There is probably no food that better fits a man for work than fat. ~F. J. Groner, M.D., "Health Hints," 1889

Stop eating when you have satisfied the demands of nature. There is a class of people who think that the great and only sin of intemperance is in drinking... The very ability of the rich man to procure and devour so many of the "good things of this life," proves a dangerous power. Now I would not have you become one of that class of health-book reading, always talking, forever dieting people who never eat half enough, and whose lack of health is a perpetual agony and wonder to themselves. Neither would I have you belong to that still larger class who are anaconda-like in their table habits... With this as with many things else there is the happy golden mean. ~F. J. Groner, M.D., "Health Hints," 1889

Preserve and treat food as you would your body, remembering that in time food will be your body. ~B.W. Richardson

My favourite dish — Whichever I have been longest without tasting. ~Charles Searle, Look Here!, 1885

Plain food is quite enough for me;
Three courses are as good as ten...
~Oliver Wendell Holmes, "Contentment"

The belly is a chain for the hands and the feet... If you would be free, first of all shake off the dominion of the belly. ~Leo Tolstoy, The Pathway of Life, translated by Archibald J. Wolfe, 1919

Taste makes waist. ~Arnold H. Glasow (1905–1999)

...they are as sick that surfeit
with too much as they that starve with nothing.
~William Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice, c.1596  [I, 2, Nerissa]

      When you are in a melancholy fit, first suspect the body... a little bit of gristle sticking in the wrong place, an untimely consumption of custard, excessive gooseberries, often cover the mind with clouds and bring on the most distressing views of human life.
      I start up at two o'clock in the morning, after my first sleep, in an agony of terror, and feel all the weight of life upon my soul.... But stop, thou child of sorrow... and tell me on what you dined. Was not there soup and salmon, and then a plate of beef, and then duck, blanc-mange, cream cheese, diluted with beer, claret, champagne, hock, tea, coffee, and noyeau? And after all this, you talk of the mind and the evils of life! These kind of cases do not need meditation, but magnesia.
      ~Sydney Smith, "A Little Moral Advice: A Fragment on the Cultivation and Improvement of the Animal Spirits"

Against diseases here the strongest fence
Is the defensive vertue, abstinence.
~Robert Herrick, "Abstinence"

I tell you honestly what I think is the cause of the complicated maladies of the human race: it is their gormandizing and stuffing, and stimulating their digestive organs to an excess, thereby producing nervous disorders and irritation. ~John Abernethy (1764–1831)

Food-addiction, or food-drunkenness, is an old story in Hygienic literature. This is the first mention I have seen of it in "regular" medical literature. I fear to hope that its recognition spells progress. ~Herbert M. Shelton, Getting Well

The most of what a glutton eats goes to create a desire for more. ~James Lendall Basford (1845–1915), Sparks from the Philosopher's Stone, 1882

Although they can be very healthy I believe the current focus on gluten-free lifestyles is a little misplaced. I see an awful lot of people who would benefit much more from a glutton-free lifestyle. ~Wordplay genius and all-around great guy, Tim Irwin, 2012

The path to obesity is so tasty. ~John Hubbard, 2016

We are all dietetic sinners; only a small percent of what we eat nourishes us, the balance goes to waste and loss of energy. ~William Osler

Gluttony is the parent of disease. ~Proverb

Gluttony is an emotional escape, a sign something is eating us. ~Peter De Vries

We never repent of having eaten too little. ~Thomas Jefferson, 1825

There's no better feeling in the world than a warm pizza box on your lap. ~The King of Queens, "Sight Gag," 2001, written by Cathy Yuspa and Josh Goldsmith  [S4, E2, Doug Heffernan]

To many of us, the first law of dietetics seems to be:  if it tastes good, it's bad for you. ~Isaac Asimov

My stomach tells me it's suppertime. Rats!  It isn't even near suppertime… I hate having a stomach that tells lies! ~Charles M. Schulz, Peanuts, 1965  [Snoopy —tg]

Tell me what kind of food you eat, and I will tell you what kind of man you are. ~Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, The Physiology of Taste; or, Transcendental Gastronomy, 1825, translated by Fayette Robinson, 1854

You are going into college life, boys, and you must take care of your bodies. Many a boy breaks down because he keeps his country appetite and loses his country exercise. You must balance study and brain-work by exercise and muscle-work, or you 'll be down with dyspepsia, and won't know what ails you. People have wondered where the seat of original sin is; I think it 's in the stomach. A man eats too much and neglects exercise, and the Devil has him all his own way, and the little imps, with their long black fingers, play on his nerves like a piano. Never overwork either body or mind, boys. All the work that a man can do that can be rested by one night's sleep is good for him, but fatigue that goes into the next day is always bad. ~Harriet Beecher Stowe, "Last Days in Cloudland," Oldtown Folks, 1869

Have we as Americans lost our sense of purpose or have we merely lost touch with it? Have we rejected the arduous labor to which our beginnings committed us? Or are we merely confused and bewildered by the volcanic upheavals which have changed the landscapes of our lives? Or is it neither rejection nor confusion? Is it nothing more than the flatulence and fat of an overfed people whose children prepare at the milk-shake counter for coronary occlusions in middle age? Are we simply too thick through the middle to dream? ~Archibald MacLeish, in LIFE, "Eloquent Guides to America's National Purpose," 1960  [a little altered —tg]

What's the matter with you — ain't I always been your friend?
Ain't I been a pardner to you? All my pennies don't I spend
In gettin' nice things for you? Don't I give you lots of cake?
Say, stummick, what's the matter, that you had to go an' ache?
Why, I loaded you with good things yesterday, I gave you more
Potatoes, squash an' turkey than you'd ever had before.
I gave you nuts an' candy, pumpkin pie an' chocolate cake,
An' las' night when I got to bed you had to go an' ache...
~Edgar A. Guest, "A Boy and His Stomach," When Day Is Done, 1921

[D]iet — ...Here will generally be the hardest tug of all. Everybody loves good living; and the ingenuity of modern cookery has created so many dishes to satisfy that love, that few will, at first, be willing to apply that stern check on their appetites which is necessary. It needs to be stated, however, with entire candor, that whoso wants a fine physique, continued through middle age, and carried on to old age, must fulfil this part of the conditions, or the rest will be of no avail. ~Mose Velsor (Walt Whitman), "Manly Health and Training," New York Atlas, 1858 December 26th

Man, bitterly examined, is merely a vehicle for units of nourishing combustion... ~Christopher Morley

So many of the pleasures of life are illusory, but a good dinner is a reality... ~Joseph Chamberlain (1836–1914)

But if eating was the primordial cause of our distress, it has also been the universal cure. From mother's breast to sacred rites our physical, emotional, and spiritual stress is answered with food. For as we have seen, it is through eating that we are reunited with nature. What we lost by eating we attempt to regain by eating.... Overweight people almost invariably are addicted to food as a cure for stress. Food is their magic elixir, their pacifier in a world where coping has become increasingly difficult. As one tragically obese girl told me, "Food is my best friend and my worst enemy..." ~Edward J. Dumke, The Serpent Beguiled Me And I Ate: A Heavenly Diet for Saints and Sinners, 1986

This is such an age of bustle that comparatively few persons take time to digest their food. They swallow it, and run. ~J. M. Barrie, "Every Man His Own Doctor"

Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no love sincerer than the love of food. I think Ann loves you that way: she patted your cheek as if it were a nicely under-done chop. ~Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman: A Comedy and a Philosophy, 1903 (Tanner)

It is not worth the while to live by rich cookery. ~Henry David Thoreau

He who distinguishes the true savor of his food can never be a glutton; he who does not cannot be otherwise. ~Henry David Thoreau

...excess of food is a slow poison... ~N. E. Yorke-Davies, "Living to Eat and Eating to Live," 1891

The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine, or the slowest form of poison. Of course, food as medicine usually affects the body much more slowly than modern drugs. But in the end it can be safer and more thorough; it works by removing the cause of the illness, whereas most drugs merely relive the outer symptoms. ~Ann Wigmore, The Hippocrates Diet and Health Program, 1984

The deviations from health are more correctly remedied by dietetic means than by medicines. Diet may be a permanent cure, drugs are but palliatives... Diet in the hands of an expert is more powerful than drugs. Medicine is seldom a remedy for constitutional ailments, whereas a system of diet, air, and other means that lead to sound health is of permanent benefit. ~Nathaniel Edward Yorke-Davies (1841–1914)

Our ancestors were brave and hardy heroes. They had no pepsin tablets to follow the plum pudding. ~"Poor Richard Junior's Philosophy," The Saturday Evening Post, 1903, George Horace Lorimer, editor

Among those subjects which immediately relate to health, there is no one more important, or less regarded by individuals, than their aliment.... Nature intended that man should subsist upon the variety of bounties with which she has so liberally replenished the earth, and constituted his system in a manner suitable to partake, almost indiscriminately, of whatever is agreeable to his palate; and the injurious effects of many articles of diet are to be attributed, not so much to their peculiar nature, as to the refinements of cookery.... The gout was once a stranger in New England, but the luxury of modern days is preparing the way for a train of constitutional irregularities, which future generations can only regret, while they suffer its inflictions. To live long, live simply.... If plain animal food were taken but once a day, and men would substitute for the various ragouts, with which modern tables are so abundantly furnished, wholesome vegetables and pure water, or a weak fermented beverage... we should see health walking in the paths that are now crowded with the bloated victims of voluptuous appetite. ~"Food," The Medical Adviser, and Guide to Health and Long Life, edited by Alex. Burnett, M.D., 1824 July 24th

The youth and the girl with slender resources who decide that two can live as cheaply as one soon agree that food doctors are right in saying people eat too much. ~"Poor Richard Junior's Philosophy," The Saturday Evening Post, 1904, George Horace Lorimer, editor

Suddenly two large fat tears began to roll down my cheeks... And in a fit of watery rage I reached over, grabbed a chocolate-glazed log cookie and crammed it into my mouth. Before I had even swallowed it, I stuffed in a date-and-nut chew. I began to circle the kitchen like a wild animal on the prowl. I ate a fat, buttery Santa Claus decorated with white icing and candied cherries. I ate a Christmas-tree sugar cookie with red and green sprinkles. I ate an entire gingerbread man with pink-frosted eyes. I downed two still-warm pecan lace cookies and gobbled up a dripping tablespoonful of chocolate glaze. ~Lila Perl, Hey, Remember Fat Glenda?, 1981

A fly does not mind dying in coconut cream. ~Swahili proverb

      "What are you reading?"
      "That's a book that always makes me hungry... There's so much good eating in it. The characters seem always to be revelling on ham and eggs and milk punch. I generally go on a cupboard rummage after reading Pickwick..." ~L. M. Montgomery, Anne of the Island, 1915

How much less I need to eat when it tastes really good. I feel satisfied. ~Barry Fox Stevens (1902–1985), Don't Push the River (it flows by itself), 1970

I ate my feelings. And a lot of bread. ~Galavant, "Dungeons and Dragon Lady," 2015, written by Kirker Butler, Jeremy Hall, Luan Thomas, and Joe Piarulli  [S1, E6, King Richard, about being chubby as a child]

He who makes a paradise of his bread makes a hell of his hunger. ~Antonio Porchia (1886–1968), Voces, 1943–1966, translated from the Spanish by W.S. Merwin (1927–2019) to sustain life and nourish brain, bone, and muscle... ~Ellen Gould White (1827–1915)

All the knives and forks were working away at a rate that was quite alarming; very few words were spoken; and everybody seemed to eat his utmost in self-defence, as if a famine were expected to set in before breakfast time to-morrow morning... The poultry, which may perhaps be considered to have formed the staple of the entertainment — for there was a turkey at the top, a pair of ducks at the bottom, and two fowls in the middle — disappeared as rapidly as if every bird had the use of its wings, and had flown in desperation down a human throat. The oysters, stewed and pickled, leaped from their capacious reservoirs, and slid by scores into the mouths of the assembly. The sharpest pickles vanished, whole cucumbers at once, like sugar-plums, and no man winked his eye. Great heaps of indigestible matter melted away as ice before the sun. It was a solemn and an awful thing to see. Dyspeptic individuals bolted their food in wedges; feeding, not themselves, but broods of nightmares, who were continually standing at livery within them. ~Charles Dickens

Carl:  I've heard you wax poetic for twenty minutes about a chunk of lasagna.
Mike:  Oh, you mean the one from Arnie Salerno's. You can't just call that lasagna. It's a work of art. It's a perfect union of gooey mozzarella and taut, teasing noodles and a deceptively simple sauce — each ingredient frolicking in my mouth like dolphins dancing in the waves. It didn't just sate my hunger. It changed my life.
~Mike & Molly, "Mike Likes Lasagna," 2012, teleplay by Don Foster, Al Higgins, and Julie Bean  [S2, E17]

Now as long as you couldn't be there to have any of the eats there's no use telling you about it... Anyway, I wouldn't want you to buy this story just because refreshments go with it. Because actions speak louder than frankfurters... ~Percy Keese Fitzhugh, Roy Blakeley: Lost, Strayed or Stolen, 1921

I think nothing is successful without something to eat at the end of it... ~Peppermint Perkins (Joe Perkins), 1886

The biggest seller is cookbooks and the second is diet books — how not to eat what you've just learned how to cook. ~Andy Rooney, 1982

He hath eaten me out of house and home; he hath put all substance into that fat belly of his... ~William Shakespeare, Henry IV, Part II, c.1597  [II, 1, Hostess Quickly]

Belly-cheer, n.  gratification of the belly; gluttony; hence, food; feast. ~Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language, revised, ed. Harris and Allen, 1911

Belly-god, n.  One who makes a god of his belly; that is, whose great business or pleasure is to gratify his appetite; a glutton; an epicure. ~Dr. Webster's Complete Dictionary of the English Language, revised by Chauncey A. Goodrich and Noah Porter, 1864

Belly-timber, n.  Food; that which supports the belly. ~Dr. Webster's Complete Dictionary of the English Language, revised by Chauncey A. Goodrich and Noah Porter, 1864

Three meals a day should be the limit in all cases where a person desires to live long and enjoy good health. These taken at intervals of six hours would generally insure the individual... a good appetite and a healthy digestion... ~N. E. Yorke-Davies, "Living to Eat and Eating to Live," 1891

Five or six hours should intervene between meals, and this rule may not be broken with impunity for any length of time. ~N. E. Yorke-Davies, One Thousand Medical Maxims and Surgical Hints, 1883

Never eat between meals. Ruinous to the digestion. ~Cid Ricketts Sumner, But the Morning Will Come, 1949

People often say to a boy when he eats between meals: "It will spoil your dinner." But, piecing between meals never spoils your meals until after you pass forty. ~E. W. Howe

There are certain plain and obvious symptoms which indicate to the trained eye that we have eaten enough. The distention of the stomach, as notified by the stretching and cracking of the skin, the bulging of the eyes, and the inability to move the jaws, should warn us that it is time to rise from the table — if we can. Some specialists, however, hold that even when this stage has been reached a more complete repletion can still be secured by the infiltration of buckwheat pancakes and maple syrup. ~Stephen Leacock, "The Human Body — Its Care and Prevention," The Garden of Folly, 1924

If the body is modified by the food which nourishes it, the mind and character very certainly will be modified by it also. ~Oliver Wendell Holmes, in The Atlantic Monthly, July 1890

Indigestion is the bane of middle age, as it always, or almost always, arises from errors in diet, so the sufferer really deserves but little sympathy. ~N. E. Yorke-Davies, One Thousand Medical Maxims and Surgical Hints, 1883

And govern well thy appetite, lest Sin
Surprise thee, and her black attendant, Death.
~John Milton

I hear somebody exclaim, — Would you have Christians sit down at table, like hogs to their troughs, without remembering the Giver? — no — I would have them sit down as Christians, remembering the Giver, and less like hogs. Or if their appetites must run riot, and they must pamper themselves with delicacies for which east and west are ransacked, I would have them postpone their benedictions to a fitter season, when appetite is laid; when the still small voice can be heard, and the reason of the grace returns — with temperate diet and restricted dishes. Gluttony and surfeiting are no proper occasions for thanksgiving.... the proper object of the grace is sustenance, not relishes; daily bread, not delicacies; the means of life, and not the means of pampering the carcass. With what frame or composure, I wonder, can a city chaplain pronounce his benediction at some great Hall feast, when he knows that his last concluding pious word... is but the signal for so many impatient harpies to commence their foul orgies, with... little sense of true thankfulness (which is temperance)... ~Charles Lamb, "Grace Before Meat," Essays of Elia

What I like best for dinner? — Good company. Next best? — Bad company. Worst of all? — My own company. ~Charles Searle, Look Here!, 1885

When the boy is growing he has a wolf in his belly. ~Proverb

Good food is wise medicine. ~Alison Levitt M.D., Doctor in the Kitchen®,

The mouth is Death's favorite door. ~James Henry Potts, "Self-Help Hints," Every Life a Delight, 1914

Square meals, not adventurous ones, are what you should seek. ~Bryan Miller

When the belly is full, it says to the head, "Sing, fellow!" ~Arabian proverb, as quoted by Ralph Waldo Emerson

When the stomach is full the heart is glad. ~Dutch proverb

Large experience in treating corpulency has proved to me that we... eat too much sugar and farinaceous food for our climate and habits; indeed, we eat too much altogether... ~N. E. Yorke-Davies, "Living to Eat and Eating to Live," 1891 seems as if anything I like is either illegal or immoral or fattening. ~Frank Rand at lunch, quoted by Alexander Woollcott on radio, 1933, quoted by “The Listener” via newspaper, quoted by Garson O’Toole via Web, “The Listener” identified as Mary A. O’Neill by Suzanne Watkins, courtesy of The Quote Investigator, 2013  [See for details. I’d previously had this attributed to W.C. Fields from Six of a Kind, 1934: “According to you, everything I like to do is either illegal, immoral, or fattening.” —tg]

To be always considering "what we should eat, and what we should drink, and wherewithal we should be clothed," in order to avoid the approach of disease, is the most likely means of provoking its attack. A man who is continually feeling his pulse, is never likely to have a good one. If he swallow his food from the same motive as he does his physic, it will neither be enjoyed nor digested so well as if he ate in obedience to the dictates of an uncalculating appetite. The hypochondriac who is in the habit of weighing his meals, will generally find that they lay heavy on his stomach. If he take a walk or ride, with no other view than to pick up health, he will seldom meet it on the road. ~John Reid, M.D., "Occupation," c.1818

He that eats till he is sick must fast till he is well. ~English proverb

Human beings do not eat nutrients, they eat food. ~Mary Catherine Bateson, 1984

Unquiet meals make ill digestions... ~William Shakespeare, Comedy of Errors, c.1589  [V, 1, Aemilia]

There is no woman's sides
Can bide the beating of so strong a passion
As love doth give my heart; no woman's heart
So big, to hold so much; they lack retention
Alas, their love may be call'd appetite,
No motion of the liver, but the palate,
That suffer surfeit, cloyment and revolt;
But mine is all as hungry as the sea,
And can digest as much: make no compare
Between that love a woman can bear me
And that I owe Olivia.
~William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night, c.1599  [II, 4, Orsino]

There is a destiny that shapes our ends — and a lasagna that ends our shapes! ~Robert Orben, 2100 Laughs For All Occasions, 1983

[T]he only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd druther not. ~Mark Twain

My mother was extremely, extremely fat... See, she couldn't feel full — ever — no matter what she ate, how much. Always she felt empty and sad. ~The Great, "Animal Instincts," 2021, written by Tony McNamara and Matthew Moore, based on the 2008 play by Tony McNamara  [S2, E5, Hulu]

If doctors could afford to be outspoken, they would twenty times a day tell patients that they are simply suffering from over-eating themselves. ~J. M. Barrie, "Every Man His Own Doctor"

Damnit!  Ⅰ binged
again Ⅱ day
Ⅳ life was hard
and so  Ⅰ
Ⅷ  my stress away.
O why do Ⅰ so of Ⅹ  gorge?
Since turning  ⅩⅬ
Ⅰ've been extra large.
~Terri Guillemets, “Losing count,” 2020

As a rule, we go about with masks, we go about looking honest, and we are able to conceal ourselves all through the day. But when the time comes that man has had his dinner, then the true man comes to the surface. ~Mark Twain, 1902

A man may be a pessimistic determinist before lunch and an optimistic believer in the will's freedom after it... ~Aldous Huxley

      How good one feels when one is full—how satisfied with ourselves and with the world! People who have tried it, tell me that a clear conscience makes you very happy and contended; but a full stomach does the business quite as well, and is cheaper, and more easily obtained. One feels so forgiving and generous after a substantial and well-digested meal—so noble-minded, so kindly-hearted.
      It is very strange, this domination of our intellect by our digestive organs. We cannot work, we cannot think, unless our stomach wills so. It dictates to us our emotions, our passions. After eggs and bacon, it says, "Work!" After beefsteak and porter, it says, "Sleep!"....
      After hot muffins, it says, "Be dull and soulless, like a beast of the field—a brainless animal, with listless eye, unlit by any ray of fancy, or of hope, or fear, or love, or life." And after brandy, taken in sufficient quantity, it says, "Now, come, fool, grin and tumble, that your fellow-men may laugh—drivel in folly, and splutter in senseless sounds, and show what a helpless ninny is poor man whose wit and will are drowned..."
      We are but the veriest, sorriest slaves of our stomach. ~Jerome K. Jerome, Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog), 1889

Life goes faster on protein. ~Martin H. Fischer

      Modern taste and ingenuity have contrived... hundreds of solid and liquid stimulants, artificial tastes, condiments — and these, in some of their various forms are partaken by all. By him who is determined to place his vigor and health above par, from his mouth and stomach, these must be rigidly excluded. Simple and hearty food, and no condiments, must be his motto. This too is the continual lesson of nature....
      In America, a great deal of the indigestion that prevails, is the result (we cannot too often recur to this,) of a cause we have elsewhere alluded to, excessive mental action. Those who think much, or whose business cares return upon the mind, and are brooded over and over, are often, perhaps generally, the very men whose habit it is to eat copiously of rich viands, perhaps at the hotel table, and to deluge the stomach with liquids. How can any one bear up under such inflictions, when the same person is probably the one who, week and week, and year after year, takes no systematic exercise, and does not know even what the training for health means? ~Mose Velsor (Walt Whitman), "Manly Health and Training," New York Atlas, 1858 September 26th

A lot of vices are secret, but not gluttony — it shows. It certainly shows on me. But I feel that gluttony must be a good deal less deadly than some of the other sins. Because it's affirmative, isn't it? At least it celebrates some of the good things of life. Gluttony may be a sin, but an awful lot of fun goes into committing it. On the other hand, it's wrong for a man to make a mess of himself. ~Orson Welles, 1967

Breakfast, dinner, tea; in extreme cases, breakfast, luncheon, dinner, tea, supper, and a glass of something hot at bedtime. What care we take about feeding the lucky body! Which of us does as much for his mind? And what causes the difference? Is the body so much the more important of the two? By no means: but life depends on the body being fed, whereas we can continue to exist as animals (scarcely as men) though the mind be utterly starved and neglected. ~Lewis Carroll

      The only person stanch to the dinner-table was Monsieur Cataplan senior: as he was there the first, so he was there the last; and his similitude to a cat seemed to broaden and lengthen into that of a cow in the act of ruminating after an ample meal, except that cows don't wear nankeen trousers, and have no thumbs to put in the pocket-holes of them if they did. This after-dinner sedentary habit of Monsieur Cataplan enabled Miss Prudence to vent her admiration of his rational behaviour, by asking his nephew, through the medium of Mr. Simpson, to present him to her. This ceremony gone through, Monsieur Cataplan tried to rise, but soon relinquished the fruitless attempt, and contented himself by nodding his head with a purring accompaniment, which no doubt meant something very civil. Be that as it may, Miss Prudence replied to it by putting her hand on his shoulder to push him down in his seat, and saying,
      "Oh dear! you are so much in the right of it! nothing so bad for the digestion as moving directly after dinner! we've the wisdom of our ancestors for that, you know; for, ever since Adam and Eve's time, it has been,
            'After dinner rest a while,
             After supper walk a mile.'
~Rosina Doyle Wheeler (1802–1882), The Budget of the Bubble Family, 1840

Perfect rest without sleep for 15–30 minutes after meals is a great aid to digestion. ~Evora Bucknum Perkins, The Laurel Health Cookery, 1911

Don't you know how stupid you feel after a heavy meal? ~Elizabeth Jones Towne, Practical Methods for Self Development, 1904

Some persons are born dyspeptic, some achieve dyspepsia, and some have to eat buffet meals on parlor cars. ~"Poor Richard Junior's Philosophy," The Saturday Evening Post, George Horace Lorimer, editor, as reprinted in Poor Richard Jr's Almanack, 1906

Persons who have indulged their appetite to eat freely of meat, highly seasoned gravies, and various kinds of rich cakes and preserves, can not immediately relish a plain, wholesome, and nutritious diet. Their taste is so perverted they have no appetite for a wholesome diet of fruits, plain bread, and vegetables... It will take time for the taste to recover from the abuses which it has received, and to gain its natural tone... There should be no delay in reform... Efforts should be made to... lifting off every overtaxing burden... and gluttonous self-murder. ~Ellen Gould White

It is so hard to resist any kind of food. My willpower is just gone, and the food wins. And then I feel guilty later. It is the same cycle, over and over. ~Angel, My 600-lb Life [Season 3, 2015]

I'm a sugarholic. Sugar is my drug of choice... I feel like I have a hole in my soul, and I'm trying to fill it up with sugar. ~Zsalynn Whitworth, pre-weight-loss, at age 42, My 600-lb Life [Season 2, 2014], to Dr. Younan Nowzaradan

Sugar is sneaky, seductive, sentimental, and passionate. And sugar is everywhere. ~Kristina Turner, The Self-Healing Cookbook, 2002, originally published 1987

The wise man keeps on good terms with his wife, his conscience, and his stomach. ~Proverb

The temperature of our food is an exceedingly important consideration. We are accustomed to take it too warm, forgetful of the fact, that artificial heat destroys the muscular tone of the stomach, vitiates its secretions and its physical powers, and induces painful and dangerous diseases of the liver. Let us take, then, another hint from the children of nature, who subsist on aliment of a temperature no higher than that of their own bodies, and who are generally hardy and long-lived... ~"Food," The Medical Adviser, and Guide to Health and Long Life, edited by Alex. Burnett, M.D., 1824 July 24th  #rawfood

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published 1998 Mar 18
revised 2021 Mar 16
last saved 2024 Apr 23