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Quotations about Mosquitoes

Welcome to my page of quotations about mosquitos. These horrid creatures love feasting on me but for some reason rarely go near my husband. Here in Phoenix, we used to get a break from them during the winter, but now they're year-round. Shudder!  —ღ Terri

MOSQUITO  A small insect designed by God to make us think better of flies. ~Charles Wayland Towne, The Foolish Dictionary, Executed by Gideon Wurdz, Master of Pholly, Doctor of Loquacious Lunacy, etc., 1904

Among the diseases caused by the mosquito, insomnia... should not be omitted. ~"Poor Richard Junior's Philosophy," The Saturday Evening Post, 1903, George Horace Lorimer, editor

We all have sympathy for the man who in desperation exclaimed: "Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes when he had the chance!" ~W. A. Poovey, Faith is the Password, 1979

The MOSQUITO... bites the 1st time as sharp and natural as red pepper does. ~Josh Billings, revised by H. Montague & T. Guillemets

He presented his bill,
      And I could not evade it.
In valley, on hill,
He presented his bill,
With stinging ill-will;
      So with blood, sir, I paid it.
He presented his bill,
      And I could not evade it.
~Aristine Anderson, 1888  [titled in various publications "The Poet in New Jersey" or "A Mosquito Triolet" —tg]

No living thing is indestructible, except the mosquito that you try to swat in your bedroom at 3 o'clock in the morning. ~George Gobel

A black mosquito, like a black shark, swam up in the air and attacked me with a pertinacity astonishing in one so frail. But he had forgotten to silence his engine, and his buzzing announced his approach at my ear with the blare of a brass trumpet; which proved his undoing. In a flash I dispatched him back to his forefathers! ~William Gerhardi, The Polyglots, 1925

In Mississippi, summer means mosquito. It also means tomatoes, means mosquito, means peaches, means humidity, means strawberries, and means mosquito. ~Aimee Nezhukumatathil, "Potoo," World of Wonders: In Praise of Fireflies, Whale Sharks, and Other Astonishments, 2020,

We are taught that nothing in this world was made in vain, that all God's handiwork was intended for a good and great purpose, but scientific men have failed to this date to calculate what a mosquito was made for, unless it was to keep folks awake at night and give their miserable old threadbare consciences time and opportunity to get in its dreadful work. The mosquito has been an inhabitant of this old world since the dawn of creation. I'm reliably informed that they gave the old man Adam the old lady Eve and the entire family a pretty lively time and I guess they will hang around till business closes down on the last day. I have figured it out they must constitute one of the luxuries of life, for they certainly don't come under the head of necessities. ~Josh Billings, revised by H. Montague

You know what's probably a good thing to hang on your porch in the summertime, to keep mosquitos away from you and your guests? Just a big bag full of blood. ~Jack Handey, Deepest Thoughts: So Deep They Squeak, 1994,

It is not how busy you are, but why you are busy — the bee is praised, the mosquito is swatted. ~Author unknown, c.1952

The air was thick with them... singing and stinging and filling the air with a droning hum... The Major, fresh, ruddy, full-blooded, far over 200 pounds in plumpness, is the best feeding ground for mosquitoes I (or they, probably) ever saw... No matter where they land on him they strike it rich, and at all times a dozen or more bloated bloodsuckers may be seen hanging like red currants on his face and neck. He maintains that they do not bother him, and scoffs at me for wearing a net... I, for one, am thankful that his superior food-quality gives us a corresponding measure of immunity. ~Ernest Thompson Seton, journal, at Nyarling River, Canada, 1907 July 9th

Unfortunately, it was in the musty thickness where mosquitoes thrive like backstreet thugs. ~Craig Childs, Crossing Paths: Uncommon Encounters with Animals in the Wild, 1997

If you think you're too small to have an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito. ~Anita Roddick, c.1993  []

And hark! terrible to the ear, here is the minute but intense hum of the mosquito! ~Nathaniel Hawthorne

If a mosquito bite thee on one hand, give him the other — palm downward. ~Mary Wilson Little, Reveries of a Paragrapher, 1897

Mosquito, Mosquito,
I feel you upon me,
You're biting me everywhere;
Each time that you sting me
Sensations you bring me,
You bite, but you don't seem to care;
My carcass I'm scratching
While eggs you are hatching
To bring new disturbers to town.
You don't hurt, Mosquito,
When you light upon me,
But, oh baby, when you sit down!
~"Marcheta: A Parody," in The "Wrecks" (An Anthology of Ribald Verse Collected at Reno), c.1933

This is a dickens of a place to spend the summer. We'll be eaten up here. The mosquitoes are mobilizing for a grand drive... S—lap! There's one. All around we could hear bzzzzzzz, bzzzzz... S—lap! There goes another. It was our lives against theirs. After a terrible massacre we got most of them out of the car. Then we sat down to talk. It was quite late in the afternoon and we were getting hungry. The mosquitoes had finished their supper. I hope they enjoyed it. ~Percy Keese Fitzhugh, Roy Blakeley: Lost, Strayed or Stolen, 1921  [a little altered —tg]

If Monday were an animal, it would be a mosquito. ~Keith Wynn, tweet, 2017

a man thinks
he amounts to a lot
but to a mosquito
a man is
something to eat
~Don Marquis, "random thoughts by archy," archy s life of mehitabel, 1933

...they were mad for our blood; those we knocked off and maimed, would crawl up with sprained wings and twisted legs to sting as fiercely as ever, as long as the beak would work. ~Ernest Thompson Seton, 1907 July 21st, in Canada

The local density of mosquitos is inversely proportional to your remaining repellent. ~Barber's Law #11 of Backpacking, in 1,001 Logical Laws, Accurate Axioms, Profound Principles, Trusty Truisms, Homey Hommilies, Colorful Corollaries, Quotable Quotes, and Rambunctious Ruminations for all walks of life, compiled by John Peers, edited by Gordon Bennett, 1979

A tent is warranted to keep out the fresh air, but is always open for the entertainment of fieldmice, June bugs, mosquitoes, and black flies... ~Gideon Wurdz (Charles Wayland Towne), "Camping," Eediotic Etiquette, 1906

Each day they got worse; soon it became clear that mere adjectives could not convey any idea of their terrors. ~Ernest Thompson Seton, "Mosquitoes," The Arctic Prairies, 1911

Insects are attractive things and very human, or perhaps we men and women are like bugs. I have known dragon flies, swift-motioned, gleaming; and hornets, unbeautiful but effective; some people are like honeybees, engaged in sweet unselfish labors, while others are crickets that only chirp; some are butterflies, flashing in the pure light, while others are noisome, creeping things that lurk in dank shadows. Some persons are fireflies, lighting up dark places for others, while there are those who are house flies, inquisitive, annoying, noxious... Yet there isn't anybody who isn't interesting, and so there is no bug that doesn't repay you for studying it. I wonder what insect I am like?— my family would doubtless say a mosquito. ~Dorothy Scarborough, "Entomology on a Country Porch," From a Southern Porch, 1919

Human beings can easily destroy every elephant on earth, but we are helpless against the mosquito. ~Isaac Asimov

The doubt, like the mosquito, buzzes round my faith. ~Emily Dickinson, 1861

I have yet to see the first man who would acknowledge that he was the friend of a BED BUG. A chinch is the most low down, meanest, sneakenest, crawling, creeping, hopping, biting thing that infests this old earth. They don't dare tackle a man in broad daylight but sneak in after dark, and chaw him up while he's fast asleep. Now, a mosquito will fight you to a finish in broad daylight, at short range and give you a chance to knock back — allow you a kind of a free ballot and a fair count... but a bed bug... waits till the dead hour of night... If I were in the habit of indulging in Sunday School expressions, I wouldn't hesitate to cuss a bed bug to a standstill right to his face... ~Josh Billings, revised by H. Montague & T. Guillemets

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