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Quotations about Parents
You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth. ~Kahlil Gibran (1883–1931), The Prophet
Send your little child to bed happy. Whatever cares press, give it a warm good-night kiss as it goes to its pillow. The memory of this in the stormy years which fate may have in store for the little one will be like Bethlehem's star to the bewildered shepherds. — "My father — my mother loved me!" Fate cannot take away that blessed heart-balm. Lips parched with the world's fever will become dewy again at this thrill of youthful memories. Kiss your little child before it goes to sleep. ~Charles Bullock, 1861
When you have brought up kids, there are memories you store directly in your tear ducts. ~Robert Brault,
[N]one deserve so well of the world as good parents. There is no task so unselfish, so necessarily without return, though the heart is well rewarded, as the nurture of the children who are to make the world for one another when we are gone. ~Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward: 2000–1887, 1888
It is hard to say which is more indelible in a parent's memory — the anxious minutes that lasted forever or the cozy forevers that lasted a minute. ~Robert Brault,
The trouble with learning to parent on the job is that your child is the teacher. ~Robert Brault,
Your children tell you casually years later what it would have killed you with worry to know at the time. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1966, © Thomas Paine McLaughlin
Do not ask that your kids live up to your expectations. Let your kids be who they are, and your expectations will be in breathless pursuit. ~Robert Brault,
Each day of our lives we make deposits into the memory banks of our children. ~Charles R. Swindoll
A parent's love is whole no matter how many times divided. ~Robert Brault,
In clash of wills, do not give in;
Good parents are made by discipline...
~Ogden Nash (1902–1971), "A Child's Guide to Parents"
A man is made or unmade before his seventh year, and there is a special lower hell for fathers and mother that have the «yes‑dear» habit. ~Austin O'Malley (1858–1932), Thoughts of a Recluse, 1898
There is a strong chance that siblings who turn out well were hassled by the same parents. ~Robert Brault,
Because of their size, parents may be difficult to discipline properly. ~P. J. O'Rourke, Modern Manners, 1983
Once, during dinner, I heard my mother whisper to my father (for children are not quite so deaf as their elders think)... ~Jerome K. Jerome, Novel Notes, 1893
As parents, we guide by our unspoken example. It is only when we're talking to them that our kids aren't listening. ~Robert Brault,
Parenthood has its brightness. For one thing you can renew your acquaintance with fairies, something you are supposed to have dropped but have discreetly hidden in a cherished corner. Now it can come out, especially at story-telling time, and enjoy seeing the child on your knee grow starry-eyed, touched by the magic and mystery of another world, where no fear, no hurt, and only a few choice grown-ups like father, may enter. ~Angelo Patri, 1924 [a little altered —tg]
Parenthood is the passing of a baton, followed by a lifelong disagreement as to who dropped it. ~Robert Brault,
Having babies is fun, but babies grow up into people. ~M*A*S*H, Colonel Potter, "The Price of Tomato Juice," written by Larry Gelbart and Gene Reynolds, 1975
A mother always counts to ten,
And never, never peeks,
But always knows just where you hide,
And there she never seeks,
Until the very nick of time
Lest tears run down your cheeks.
~Robert Brault, "Hide and Seek,"
Hot dogs always seem better out than at home; so do French-fried potatoes; so do your children. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Neurotic's Notebook, 1963
What you don't realize as a kid is that if your parents are always going to be there for you, they aren't going to be somewhere else doing exciting and glamorous things. ~Robert Brault,
After the birth of her child Anne was restored to her normal poise... The serenity of her bearing proclaimed that in her motherhood her nature was fulfilled. She had given herself up to the child from the first moment that she held it to her breast. She had found again her tenderness, her gladness, and her peace. ~May Sinclair, The Helpmate, 1906
Now that... my kids are grown, I understand how much work and love it takes to raise and to keep a family together. The example of your strength, devotion, and patience is now rippling through the generations. Thank you! ~Forest Houtenschil, c.1980
What you must accept as a parent is that you cannot always be there for your child without sometimes ruining everything. ~Robert Brault,
Insanity is hereditary. You can get it from your children. ~Sam Levenson [quoteinvestigator]
Likely as not, the child you can do the least with will do the most to make you proud. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1966, © Thomas Paine McLaughlin
Conspicuously absent from the Ten Commandments is any obligation of parent to child. We must suppose that God felt it unnecessary to command by law what He had ensured by love. ~Robert Brault,
Parenting is a stage of life's journey where the milestones come about every fifty feet. ~Robert Brault,
There is also a distinct sense of elation in doing trifling practical things for children. They are so small and so helpless that they contribute vastly to a comforting glow in the ego of the grown-up. When you have completed the rather difficult task of preparing a child for bed and actually getting him there, you have a sense of importance almost divine in its extent. ~Heywood Broun, "Holding a Baby," Seeing Things at Night, 1921
It is not until we have a child we cannot love enough that we realize why our mom loved us too much. ~Robert Brault,
Conscience is less an inner voice than the memory of a mother's glance. ~Robert Brault,
My heart bleeds... when I think of parting with my child — 'twill be like the separation of soul and body... for she will be in one kingdom, whilst I am in another — You will laugh at my weakness — but I cannot help it... when she left and I bade her adieu... I burst into tears... ~Laurence Sterne (1713–1768)
The hardest thing to accept as a parent is that you cannot apply the bandage before the bruise. ~Robert Brault,
Sometimes, in a moral struggle, we discover the right thing to do — just as, on some cold day long ago, we discovered mittens pinned to our coat sleeve. ~Robert Brault,
Setting a good example for your children takes all the fun out of middle age. ~William Feather, The Business of Life, 1949
I love her more than my own heart's blood; she is my child — part of that blood — part of myself — the better part... every look and word is engraved on my heart. ~Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin Shelley (1797–1851), Lodore, 1835
Once you become the mommy or daddy in your child's world, it is the only world in which you exist, no matter how much you fancy there is a separate world of your own. ~Robert Brault,
The trouble with having a stubbornness contest with your kids is that they have your stubbornness gene. ~Robert Brault,
Important to remember in parenting is that children are not small adults, although parents are frequently large children. ~Robert Brault,
When we cannot understand our own children, we are apt to read our own faults into them. ~George Humphrey, "What Is Radio Doing to Us?," in Collier's, 1924
Life starts out as partly destiny and partly free will, but then you have kids, and it's all destiny. ~Robert Brault,
It is one thing to show your child the way, and a harder thing to then stand out of it. ~Robert Brault,
If you must hold yourself up to your children as an object lesson (which is not at all necessary), hold yourself up as a warning and not as an example. ~Bernard Shaw
A mother loves her child more than a father does, for she knows it's her own while he but thinks it's his. ~Menander (c.342–c.292 BCE), translated by Francis G. Allinson, 1921
The clash between child and adult is never so stubborn as when the child within us confronts the adult in our child. ~Robert Brault,
The parents continued to feed the remainder of the flock, but another day saw their second child depart. In the lonely nest there remained only one infant. Its parents' ministrations plainly did not suffice. It was more conservative and waited for abundant strength. For two days it waved its wings up and down as if training for a great event, and then it sailed away. The nest was empty — empty forever after. The parents sailed away, too. It was only humans that hung about a deserted nest! ~Rupert Hughes, The Old Nest, 1911
No child came home; rarely did one write, and then briefly. What notes were sent breathed affection and devotion, but they were poor substitutes for the visible, kissable, talkable children, of whom she possessed now only the photographs staring from wall and mantel. ~Rupert Hughes, The Old Nest, 1911
She could not blame her children for leaving. She had left her own home and her own home town when her husband left his. She had deserted her parents. They had deserted theirs — and they theirs — on back into the days when the nation was a wilderness, beyond the ocean into foreign countries, where forever backward the procession could be traced — children always leaving home, leaving home, leaving home. That was human history; and that eternal serial of heartache and farewell was the slow spelling of the word "progress" across the map of the world. ~Rupert Hughes, The Old Nest, 1911
Last saved 2025 Jan 18 Sat 19:21 CST