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Quotations about Political Correctness,
Cancel Culture, and Being Offended

Welcome to my page of quotations about political correctness, being politically incorrect, cancel culture, and being offended.   SEE ALSO:  CENSORSHIP POLITICS LANGUAGE SOCIETY NEW NORMAL SPEAKING BELIEFS FREEDOM HUMANS AMERICA MEDIA CURSING  –tg

I must regretfully leave unprinted some of his wittiest and prettiest things in deference to our detestable modern squeamishness as to calling things by their right names. ~William G. Hutchison, 1906

Political correctness is the new religion — determined to make up enough commandments to ensure that everyone is a sinner. ~Dr. Idel Dreimer,, 2017

What used to be offensive is now acceptable, and what used to be acceptable is now offensive... That's the danger of an overemphasis on political correctness. Let's not become so worried about not offending anybody that we lose the ability to distinguish between respect and paranoia. ~Larry King, How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere: The Secrets of Good Communication, 1994

Political correctness is a deceptive confectioner:  with syrupy slatherings of feel-goodery... ~Dr. Idel Dreimer,, 2019

BEING OFFENDED IS A VICTIMIZING CHOICE  You need never be offended again, either by put-downs directed at you or by things in the world that you may have become accustomed to "finding offensive." If you don't approve of someone else's behavior or language, ignore it, particularly when it has nothing to do with you. By being offended and upset, by saying things like, "How dare he say that!" or, "He has no right to make me upset like this!" or, "I am offended when I see weirdos," you are victimizing yourself with the conduct of others, which is tantamount to having your emotional strings pulled by the very people you dislike. Shrug it off, ignore it, look the other way, ask yourself whether it's really that bad at all; or if you want to work at changing it, by all means do so. But don't choose the victim position of being offended and upset about it. ~Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Pulling Your Own Strings, 1978

Political correctness is politeness gone mad. ~Dr. Idel Dreimer,, 2017

I don't believe in overdone political correctness or blown-out-of-proportion social censorship. I believe in respect and responsibility, common sense and compassion. We have to be allowed to use our hearts and our heads and our words. Talking is the solution, not the problem. ~Terri Guillemets, 2021

You're not allowed to call them dinosaurs any more... It's speciesist. You have to call them pre-petroleum persons. ~Terry Pratchett, Johnny and the Bomb, 1996

Political correctness is as harmful as any other form of censorship. ~Terri Guillemets, 1998

Political correctness and a sense of humour are like matter and anti-matter — in any collision, one must destroy the other. The zeitgeist of the current age is to seek grievance, and having found causes as numerous as grains of sand on the shore, to respond with angry, vindictive righteousness. It is a grim and humourless process. ~Dr. Idel Dreimer,, 2018

cancel culture is
political correctness
~Terri Guillemets, 2021

...mistaking for political efficacy what is really just a language's political symbolism — enables the bizarre conviction that America ceases to be elitist or unfair simply because Americans stop using certain vocabulary that is historically associated with elitism and unfairness... Politically Correct English... purports to be the dialect of progressive reform but is in fact — in its Orwellian substitution of the euphemisms of social equality for social equality itself — of vastly more help to conservatives and the US status quo... Were I, for instance, a political conservative who opposed using taxation as a means of redistributing national wealth, I would be delighted to watch PC progressives spend their time and energy arguing over whether a poor person should be described as "low-income" or "economically disadvantaged" or "pre-prosperous" rather than constructing effective public arguments for redistributive legislation or higher marginal tax rates. ~David Foster Wallace, "Authority and American Usage," Consider the Lobster and Other Essays, 2005, essay originally published as "Tense Present: Democracy, English, and the Wars over Usage," in Harper's Magazine, April 2001

A politically correct pretence is like a tightrope over a volcano. ~Dr. Idel Dreimer,, 2014

Every time someone says something politically correct, another brain cell of Reality drops dead. ~Terri Guillemets, "Trigger warning," 2014

Political correctness is the inedible fruit of unreasonable expectations. ~Dr. Idel Dreimer,, 2017

We can't really say anything about anything anymore without first washing it down to meaninglessness. ~Terri Guillemets, 2021

Political correctness:  Correctness sacrificed for political reasons. ~Dr. Idel Dreimer,, c.2015

There are also the stern constraints on commencement oratory. It must eschew anything that smacks of partisan politics, political or sexual preference, religion or unduly firm opinion. As so often in our time, truth, as asserted, must be in a careful balance between right and wrong. No student has ever been known to confess in later life to any influence from the address that graced his or her graduation or, indeed, to any recollection of what was said. Nonetheless, there must be a speech; speeches in our culture are the vacuum that fills a vacuum. ~John Kenneth Galbraith, 1984

"Crippled" becomes "disabled," and "disabled" becomes "physically challenged" — as if new words could make up for no legs. ~Dr. Idel Dreimer,, c.2009

stop cancel culture
it is censorship brainwash
let us lead not quash
~Terri Guillemets, 2021

Political correctness:  Tact grows up confused, changes his name to Cowardice — and marries Stupidity. ~Dr. Idel Dreimer,, 2015

G-rated, stripped down, politically correct fuzzwords and threadbare phrases rarely reflect real life. ~Terri Guillemets, "I am fat, not weight-challenged," 2015

Political correctness — a cocktail of poisonous lies pretending to the sweetness of lemonade, and the virtue of carrot juice. ~Dr. Idel Dreimer,, 2016

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published 2021 Feb 20
revised 2024 Jan 25
last saved 2025 Jan 11