The Quote Garden ™
I dig old books. ™
Est. 1998
Terri Guillemets
Archives — 1992
This is the archive of my publicly published writing from 1992 — the good, the bad, the active and the retired. Some entries were originally untitled with a title added later, and some were first published under other pen names. —tg, 2023
SEE ALSO: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994, 1993, YOU ARE HERE, 1991, 1990, 1980s, ARCHIVES HOMEPAGE
The toughest battle is Mind.
DATE: 1992 Jan 5
NOTES: revised
the understanding of my life
costs a dollar ninety-nine
but all i've got to spend
is a pocketful of pesos
SOURCE: journal poem
DATE: 1992 Jan 12
AGE: eighteen
NOTES: revised
Our wingspan is measured not in inches but in spirit.
TITLE: Infinite reach
DATE: 1992 Jan 31
NOTES: revised
Your prayer can be poetry, and poetry can be your prayer.
TITLE: A lonely pen at night
DATE: 1992 Oct 1
Look! over yonder
what a beautiful
field of wildpoems
TITLE: Reverie art
DATE: 1992 Dec 28
Yep, I'm an INFJ — an antisocial butterfly and the most hugging, loving people-hater you'll ever meet.
TITLE: Unsocial butterfly
DATE: 1992 Feb 28
NOTES: revised
For those uneasy with the world, solitude is the only guarantee of confidence.
SOURCE: journal
DATE: 1992 Feb 26
Two most important things in a writer's wallet: library card and poetic license.
DATE: 1992 Jan 16
NOTES: revised
Author by night,
Editor by sun.
TITLE: Candlelit words
DATE: 1992 Nov 1
NOTES: revised
Sometimes you just gotta roll with the changes, or get run over by the future.
TITLE: Brake, pedal
DATE: 1992 Feb 12
NOTES: Yes, looking back on this now I do see Cronin and Eisenhower.
Next time you're mad, try dancing out your anger.
TITLE: Boom box philosophies
DATE: 1992 Sep 23
Poetry tosses my pen across
the vast tumbling seas of self,
intermittent sunshine glistening
off the spilt ink,—
storms breaking ideas & words
that sink then emerge
and sink again.
TITLE: Overboard poet
DATE: 1992 Dec 27
NOTES: revised
Strawberries are angels of the earth — innocent and sweet with green leafy wings reaching heavenward.
TITLE: Lunch from the sun
DATE: 1992 Jul 2
NOTES: revised
My heart aches love for you.
TITLE: Why does it hurt?
DATE: 1992 Jul 19
...and torture myself with happy thoughts...
SOURCE: journal
DATE: 1992 Dec 9
Coffee smells like freshly ground heaven.
TITLE: Morning out
DATE: 1992 Jan 18
a sweet ripe
bowl that tastes
of summer —
TITLE: Cantaloupe
DATE: 1992 Aug 2
NOTES: revised
The desert is quiet
and it's listening.—
It's thirsty and
patiently waits.—
A cactus grows
one hundred years
& spares no water.—
TITLE: Sparse
DATE: 1992 Dec 12
NOTES: revised
We can seek,
we can find,
if we open our minds.
DATE: 1992 Dec 11
NOTES: song
Americans boast smiles
of star-spangled happiness
and banner waves of pride
DATE: 1992 Jul 4
NOTES: revised
What do nudists wear on casual Friday?
TITLE: A night at the office
DATE: 1992 Dec 16
I eat so poorly during the stressful part of my day I need a vegetable orgy for dinner just to make up for it.
TITLE: 6pm
SOURCE: journal
DATE: 1992 Sep 24
Nature is a writer's best friend.
DATE: 1992 Dec 26
I don't necessarily want to be happy; I just want to stop feeling miserable.
SOURCE: journal
DATE: 1992 Mar 26
My boyfriend asked me why women think firemen are sexy, so I explained the pole theory: Men love women who slide down poles, and women love men who slide down poles. Subject dropped.
TITLE: Encanto
DATE: 1992 Feb 9
In Phoenix, shade trees are your best friends — and occasionally the basis of small civil wars over parking.
SOURCE: journal
DATE: 1992 Aug 15
One of irony's greatest accomplishments is that one cannot punish the wrongdoing of another without committing a wrongdoing himself.
TITLE: J for Holmes
SOURCE: schoolwork
DATE: 1992 Apr 23
I like intellectual reading. It's to my mind what fiber is to my body.
TITLE: Nutrition
DATE: 1992 May 12
Me and ice cream. Best friends forever.
SOURCE: journal
DATE: 1992 Aug 8
You can tell a lot about people by their morning choices:
* water
* tea
* coffee
* orange juice
* champagne
* just more sleep
TITLE: Spending nights & mornings
DATE: 1992 Jun 20
Star Trek fans usually know the metaphors of life better than most mainstream poets.
TITLE: Picard & symbolism
DATE: 1992 Jan 27
YEARLY ARCHIVES: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994, 1993, YOU ARE HERE, 1991, 1990, 1980s, ARCHIVES HOMEPAGE
Terri Guillemets
Archives — 1992