The Quote Garden ™
I dig old books. ™
Est. 1998
Terri Guillemets
Archives — 1994
This is the archive of my publicly published writing from 1994 — the good, the bad, the active and the retired. Some entries were originally untitled with a title added later, and some were first published under other pen names. —tg, 2023
SEE ALSO: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, YOU ARE HERE, 1993, 1992, 1991, 1990, 1980s, ARCHIVES HOMEPAGE
the smell of ink is
intoxicating to me —
others may have wine
but I have poetry
TITLE: Inkdreaming
DATE: 1994 Jan 22
NOTES: revised
As far as the Moon is concerned, he is always full.
DATE: 1994 Aug 18
There are two sides to every story. Even my own story. Probably every story I've ever told myself.
TITLE: Two steps forward, one stumble backward
DATE: 1994 Feb 28
Hate less, live longer.
TITLE: Everyone, everywhere
DATE: 1994 Apr 5
We write to remember our nows later.
TITLE: Paper doesn't forget
DATE: 1994 May 3
her head was cracked —
not tragically, just poetically
it’s how the poems got in —
and out
TITLE: Cracked
DATE: 1994 Apr 9
NOTES: revised
life is a treasure map
and also the treasure
DATE: 1994 Jun 17
NOTES: revised
All other seasons in Phoenix are just hyphenated summers: spring-summer, autumn-summer, winter-summer.
TITLE: A dash of heat
DATE: 1994 Oct 1
I'm a coffee is half-full kind of girl.
TITLE: Down–mid–uptown
DATE: 1994 Jul 16
Music echoes rhythms of the universe
Music is audible time
Music is past meets present
Our heartbeats are the drums of life
We dance to life, not music
TITLE: Hear & Now
DATE: 1994 Jan 18
NOTES: revised
Music is rhythm of the universe meets rhythm of self.
TITLE: Tuned
DATE: 1994 Jan 18
Sliding down the banister of life is so much more fun than ambling down the steps.
TITLE: Wheee!
DATE: 1994 Feb 8
poetry is combat—
soul verses world
DATE: 1994 Aug 1
NOTES: revised
Tea brings Time to a crawl, its frantic pace resuming on noticing our empty cups.
TITLE: Tea Time
DATE: 1994 Feb 15
Lightning flashes her blinding passion,
Thunder booms his primal reply.
DATE: 1994 Mar 7
Two people who have chemistry evolve quickly to biology.
TITLE: Sparks & sizzle
DATE: 1994 Apr 15
Read instead of watch tv?
Now there's a novel idea!
DATE: 1994 Jun 11
Life: my own little Pyrrhic victory.
TITLE: Plundered
DATE: 1994 Jan 15
Most of our scars are internal.
TITLE: Base pain
SOURCE: journal
DATE: 1994 Apr 30
NOTES: revised
I was so in the present moment the past was no longer part of me.
TITLE: Curveball curls
DATE: 1994 Aug 30
Time is the only thief we can't get justice against.
DATE: 1994 Dec 14
...hoping that Death
has called in sick today...
DATE: 1994 Dec 24
Evolution: one small step for man, one giant leap backward for mankind.
TITLE: ¡Peligro!
DATE: 1994 Sep 10
Birds singing in the trees: the happy sound of freedom.
TITLE: Cageless
DATE: 1994 May 4
NOTES: revised
After a girl is grown, her little brothers — now her protectors — seem like big brothers.
TITLE: Grown in heart & beyond
DATE: 1994 Sep 24
DEDICATED TO: Doug & Steven
Poetry dyes our souls with a melody half ours and half the poet's.
TITLE: Reading Poetry
DATE: 1994 Apr 21
NOTES: revised
If you hide things in your soul, don't forget about them. Okay?
TITLE: Relearn everything
SOURCE: journal
DATE: 1994 May 25
Getting caught at all the red lights
And even at some of the green ones.
Yellow's confusing and makes me blue
Cuz I'm never sure just what to do
Full speed ahead or stop dead in my tracks.
TITLE: Black & White Life
SOURCE: journal poem
DATE: 1994 Aug 3
The stars, like many other things, are only romantic from a distance.
DATE: 1994 Sep 24
My poems are love-drunk letters to the universe.
TITLE: So easy, so hard
DATE: 1994 Dec 11
If you and your pen are having writer's block, try typewriter keys to unlock your story.
TITLE: Writing tools
DATE: 1994 Feb 13
NOTES: revised
Angels mend our patchwork hearts with threads of love.
DATE: 1994 Dec 13
NOTES: revised
DATE: 1994 Nov 11
NOTES: revised
Winter dies into the spring, to be born again in the autumn.
DATE: 1994 Dec 4
Have your final drink first — and then stop.
TITLE: Advice
DATE: 1994 Dec 4
You and I are a deep well of love in the desert of life.
DATE: 1994 May 23
Chocolate and coffee are ground from beans of happiness.
TITLE: Holy mocha!
DATE: 1994 May 17
NOTES: revised
Birds are beautiful and amazing creatures, until you walk underneath one who had a big lunch.
TITLE: Above & below
DATE: 1994 Mar 5
I started out running
then learned to walk,
now feel forced to crawl.
But there's still so much run in me.
I started out knowing all the answers,
really knowing,
but that was when my world was small.
Now knowing is harder.
The bright shining
only reflects back to myself,
my own light blinding me.
I can't see the world and it can't see me.
TITLE: Orion's Under the Clouds
SOURCE: journal poem
DATE: 1994 Feb 26
Good music can make the difference between a mediocre workout and a slamdamfantastic workout!
SOURCE: journal
DATE: 1994 Jul 1
Just little cracks here and there
How was I to know
Everything would come
Tumbling to the ground
Is it possible to rebuild
Using parts beyond repair
All may appear sound but
How long 'til the next collapse
Scattered as it has become
The ruins are still my home
A safe and cozy one
My roots too strong and deep
I look at the sky above
Study the stars and imagine
How I'd like to go explore
But so impossible to reach
If I shot for the stars
Would I ever get to one
Or fall back to the ground
With no ground there to catch me
And fall right through
To the core of the earth
That would swallow me
Into its emptiness
Stuck there forever
With nothing to do but
Languish, able to feel nothing
But emptiness in my own core
Or maybe I'll find a star
And want to stay
But then notice the view
Looking the other way
So high up in the sky
Light years away from the ruins
Which from such a distance
Seem the perfect place
Then I might jump off the star
Falling fast to the ground
Only to find on arriving
Someone has built on my land
TITLE: Ruins
DATE: 1994 Aug 4
Lessons from jealousy and anger: sometimes the poison-keeper gets poisoned.
DATE: 1994 Dec 1
Guilt sticks like glue.
DATE: 1994 Jun 26
My excess fat scares me — it's a ticking time bomb to my body.
SOURCE: journal
DATE: 1994 May 31
AGE: twenty
BMI: 27.5
STATUS: worrywart
There is so much love in my life. And so much life in my love.
TITLE: To be & yet to be
DATE: 1994 May 12
mint sky
chocolate chip stars
DATE: 1994 Aug 5
NOTES: revised
She kissed me, and my lips wrote a poem of welcome to her lips.
TITLE: Did it?
DATE: 1994 Feb 25
NOTES: a Ward Elliot Hour story; revised
Oh, God. Heaven wasn't supposed to come this early. I was still among the living, and now more alive than ever.
TITLE: Did it?
DATE: 1994 Feb 25
NOTES: a Ward Elliot Hour story
Often the body is more eloquent than even the most inspiring writer.
TITLE: Did it?
DATE: 1994 Feb 25
NOTES: a Ward Elliot Hour story
Our passion and kisses were stumbling, but stumbling in sync.
TITLE: Shaken, stirred
SOURCE: journal
DATE: 1994 Apr 22
Hope is betting on the future.
DATE: 1994 Feb 12
I'm so in love, every time I look at you my soul gets dizzy.
TITLE: Meet–ing
SOURCE: journal
DATE: 1994 Apr 10
AGE: twenty
You've knocked my existence askew,
and yet I'm straightaway in love with you!
TITLE: Quintessence
SOURCE: journal
DATE: 1994 May 20
How many stanzas in the springtime breeze?
How plenty the raindrops?
As He doth please.
There is no meter and there is no rhyme,
Yet God's poems always read in perfect time.
DATE: 1994 Apr 27
I don't have much of a way
to reach the stars,
except through my pain...
TITLE: I miss you
SOURCE: journal poem
DATE: 1994 Jun 11
Your ghost of memories haunts me.
TITLE: Memory haunt
DATE: 1994 Jul 7
Here I am, a life brand new,
But no one told me what to do.
Got myself a stark blank slate,
Guess I’d better decorate.
Wanna be real pretty,
Must appear first-rate.
Stop, stop, the outside must wait.
Think there’s something inside me,
Need to find it and set myself free.
It’s taking so long, can’t find the key,
And all the others seem to know
In themselves what lies below.
So much searching, I begin to see
Secluded passions and the start
Of deep true feelings within my heart.
The lively outer is just for show,
Inside I am filled with woe.
Somewhere there’s a missing link,
The inner passion is more like pink
But always disguised in my blue.
Yank it off, nevermind the jolt,
This is me through and through.
I know my layers will always molt,
Matters no more—they’re all the same hue.
Having struggled through this bout
I feel I must redecorate,
This time from the inside out.
TITLE: Becoming Me
DATE: 1994 Dec 31
AGE: twenty-one
Decorate yourself from the inside out.
DATE: 1994 Dec 31
NOTES: brainstorming notes for 'Becoming Me' poem
Birds are singing poets of the trees.
DATE: 1994 Apr 1
True love is letting someone else eat from the carton of ice cream you keep hidden in the back of the freezer.
DATE: 1994 Sep 3
I even shower with my pen, in case any ideas drip out of the waterhead.
DATE: 1994 Aug 5
Driving a brand new car feels like riding around in an open billfold with dollars flapping by as they fly out the windows.
TITLE: What's new is already old
SOURCE: journal
DATE: 1994 Aug 6
NOTES: revised
Sometimes the poetry
is visual
sometimes the paper
doesn't exist
DATE: 1994 Oct 12
Channels are blocked in the mind, from the day. Lie down in blackness of night, forgotten remnants rush to the mind, or creeping slowly appear in the dreams.
DATE: 1994 Nov 20
Ah! a blessing beyond all fate
My soul mate is my sole mate.
DATE: 1994 Dec 31
Into each life some ants must crawl.
DATE: 1994 Jul 29
NOTES: Apologies, Mr Longfellow.
Butterflies, bees
our wingèd, happy friends
Oh, to dance in the air
and float on the breeze...
DATE: 1994 Apr 16
I could smell myself awake with that coffee.
DATE: 1994 Mar 9
YEARLY ARCHIVES: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, YOU ARE HERE, 1993, 1992, 1991, 1990, 1980s, ARCHIVES HOMEPAGE
Terri Guillemets
Archives — 1994