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Quotations about Rain
Welcome to my page of quotations about lovely, wonderful, life-giving rain!
But I am sure that it is a great mistake always to know enough to go in when it rains. One may keep snug and dry by such knowledge, but one misses a world of loveliness. There is, after all, a selective wisdom that sees the desirability of taking the showers as they come. ~Adeline Knapp, This Then Is Upland Pastures, Being Some Out-door Essays Dealing with the Beautiful Things that the Spring and Summer Bring, 1897
...rush out in the rain to be soaked with the sky. ~Rumi, as interpreted by Coleman Barks
The rain is gentle;
It brings to me
A transcendental
~Arthur Upson, "Praise of Rain," At the Sign of the Harp, 1900
There's an element of suspense in the air. The air is charged and dense... There's always a period of curious fear between the first sweet-smelling breeze and the time when the rain comes cracking down. ~Don DeLillo, "The Desert," The Names, 1982
Earth and rain — dust and desire — what mingled odor of these is not sweet? ~Virginia Garland, "The Rain," in Out West: A Magazine of the Old Pacific and the New, 1908
And all was silent as before, —
All silent save the dripping rain.
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Tales of a Wayside Inn. — The Second Day, Book First, "Prelude," 1872
The smell of rain was an excitement of the blood. She breathed in the fragrance of wet earth. Lupe felt like Cleopatra, her pores drinking in the gladness of nature, at one with sky and earth. ~Estela Portillo Trambley, "Rain of Scorpions," 1975
I am sister to the rain;
Fey and sudden and unholy,
Petulant at the windowpane,
Quickly lost, remembered slowly.
I have lived with shades, a shade;
I am hung with graveyard flowers.
Let me be to-night arrayed
In the silver of the showers.
~Dorothy Parker, "Rainy Night," 1925
Oh, let it be a night of lyric rain
And singing breezes, when my bell is tolled.
I have so loved the rain that I would hold
Last in my ears its friendly, dim refrain...
~Dorothy Parker (1893–1967), "Testament"
The squadron of clouds cast off their lashings, and one after another, in a long line, sailed up towards the north. The procession lasted a long while, and the earth could be felt swelling up with all those rains and with the reawakened life of the grass. ~Jean Giono (1895–1970), Regain, 1930, translated from the French by Henri Fluchè and Geoffrey Myers, Harvest, 1939
It was raining tonight, a soft summer rain that fell steadily on the leaves of the lilac bush and on the roof of his house with a silver patter that sounded as if the sky were singing. ~Frances Frost, Little Fox, 1952
These days are after
Old ways of years —
Within is laughter,
Without are tears;
Within is greeting,
Without, the rain —
And hearts are beating
Both sides the pane.
~Arthur Upson, "Praise of Rain," At the Sign of the Harp, 1900
The sky was dark and gloomy, the air was damp and raw, the streets were wet and sloppy. The smoke hung sluggishly above the chimney-tops as if it lacked the courage to rise, and the rain came slowly and doggedly down, as if it had not even the spirit to pour. ~Charles Dickens, The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, 1836–1837
Tell me how many beads there are
In a silver chain
Of evening rain,
Unravelled from the tumbling main...
~Thomas Lovell Beddoes (1803–1849), Torrismond; an Unfinished Drama
A man is getting old w'en he walks around a puddle instead of through it. ~R. C. Ferguson, 1940s
Let the rain kiss you.
Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops.
Let the rain sing you a lullaby...
The rain plays a little sleep-song on our roof at night—
And I love the rain.
~Langston Hughes, "April Rain Song," 1921
This glorious silence is that open door into a clean, free clarity. Chucho listened to the silence and watched the water on mud puddles circling for an open way. The smell of rain is rich with life. ~Estela Portillo Trambley, "Pay the Criers," 1975
Rain, midnight rain, nothing but the wild rain
On this bleak hut, and solitude, and me
Remembering again that I shall die
And neither hear the rain nor give it thanks
For washing me cleaner than I have been...
~Edward Thomas (1878–1917), "Rain," 1916
It is one of the secrets of Nature in its mood of mockery that fine weather lays a heavier weight on the mind and hearts of the depressed and the inwardly tormented than does a really bad day with dark rain sniveling continuously and sympathetically from a dirty sky... ~Muriel Spark, Territorial Rights, 1979
What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why,
I have forgotten, and what arms have lain
Under my head till morning; but the rain
Is full of ghosts to‑night, that tap and sigh
Upon the glass and listen for reply...
~Edna St. Vincent Millay (1892–1950)
Flowers never emit so sweet and strong a fragrance as before a storm. Beauteous soul! when a storm approaches thee, be as fragrant as a sweet-smelling flower. ~Jean Paul Friedrich Richter (1763–1825), as quoted in Adam Wooléver, Encyclopædia of Quotations, 1876
The wind calls like a spirit—
The sea, like mystic song;
But the falling rain is like a voice
Murmuring all night long.
For the wind's way none may follow,
The sea no man may bound;
But the rain is gentle minister
Between the skies and ground.
Rising, mist-clad and silent,
From land and sea, it bears
The offering of their fragrances,
The perfume of their prayers.
~Charles Buxton Going, "Voice of the Rain," Star-Glow & Song, 1909
There are many things I do for amusement, but for happiness I like to gather up my memories and go for a walk in the rain. ~Robert Brault, 2014,
...the world is mud-
luscious... and...
~E.E. Cummings (1894–1962), "Chansons Innocentes: I," Tulips and Chimneys, 1923
A rainy day is the perfect time for a walk in the woods. I always thought so myself; the Maine woods never seem so fresh and alive as in wet weather. Then all the needles on the evergreens wear a sheath of silver; ferns seem to have grown to almost tropical lushness and every leaf has its edging of crystal drops. ~Rachel Carson, "Help Your Child to Wonder," 1956
It is a lovely sight and good
To see rain falling in a wood.
The birds are silent, drunk with sound
Of raindrops kissing the green ground,
They sit with head tucked under wing
Too full of joy to dare to sing.
Flowers open mouths as wide I say
As baby blackbirds do in May;
While trees shake hands as grave and slow
As two old men I used to know,
And hold out smiling boughs to find
Whence comes this sweetest breath of wind.
But now the sun has come again
And he has chased away the rain.
The rain has gone beyond the hill,
But leaves are talking of it still.
~W. H. Arden, "Woods in Rain"
When the sun is out and the sky is high and bright, one feels that the world is a large place, belonging to many creatures. But when the sky shuts down and the world is close-wrapped in rain and drifting mist, it seems to grow smaller and more intimate. Instead of feeling the multitudinousness of the life of woods and fields, one feels its unity. We are brought together in the bonds of the rain — we and all the hidden creatures — we seem all in one room together. ~Elisabeth Woodbridge, "In the Rain," 1911
Little crystal balls of laughter,
Chasing all the boys and girls
Through the fields and we run after,
Resting on their cheeks and curls.
~Ouina (Cora L. V. Scott Richmond), given through her Medium "Water Lily," "Spring," Ouina's Canoe, 1882 [Rain speaking —tg]
Rain falls on the grass
And on my feet.
The drops are cool and round. The clover, oh
How sharp it greets me! And the trees bend low
Beneath the raindrops.
The mad drops strike.
If we were older
We should be wise and shrink from rain.
But because we are young, the grass and I
Hold out our arms for its pain.
~Mary Carolyn Davies, "A Day: IV: Rain," Youth Riding, 1919
There are so many kinds of feet
In rain … hard plodding ones that go
Down through the world with thundering
So heavy, weary, weighted woe.
There are glad footsteps of young girls
Tiptoe and dancing merrily,
And mothers' ceaseless, loving steps—
Such gentle, tender steps they be.
There are the tiny lingering footsteps
That patter softly overhead
And ghostly ones so dim uncertain—
The footsteps of the newly dead.
So many kinds of feet
Go laughing, weeping in the rain;
A thousand walk above me, beating
Strange lives into a thin refrain.
~George Elliston, "Rain Phantasy," Bright World, 1927
Slowly at last the heavy clouds, charged with the welcome water, roll up from seaward; the air grows sultry and still; the creatures of the grove and jungle keep their coverts, as if expectant, like the surface of the soil; there is a hush over all things, as though nature herself were faint; till presently the lightning flashes and the thunder rattles, and down, as if really from heaven and from the hand of God, comes the thick and fresh rain. Then there rises from the ground a cool and penetrating aroma, the scent of the dry soil saturated... ~Daily Telegraph, 1872
Rain! whose soft architectural hands have power to cut stones and chisel to shapes of grandeur the very mountains as no artist could ever do! ~Henry Ward Beecher, "The Mountain Farm to the Sea-side Farm," 1855
Sprinkle, drop, drop, patter, patter.
Here we come in joy again,
Out of clouds flying and flying,
Gladsome, gleeful spring-time rain...
Kissing all the buds and blossoms,
All the trees and blades of grass...
~Ouina (Cora L. V. Scott Richmond), given through her Medium "Water Lily," "Spring," Ouina's Canoe, 1882 [Rain speaking —tg]
The Day is drear with Rain? Remember, then,
The Parched-up Spring that shall be full again.
~Arthur Guiterman, "Of Streams and Springs," A Poet's Proverbs, 1924
Today the rain came down as if it had forgotten how to stop. It cooled off the air to shivery coolness, it curtained the windows with silver streaks and played music on the roof... ~Cid Ricketts Sumner, Tammy Out of Time, 1958
And at last it comes. You hear a patter... you see a leaf here and there bob and blink about you; you feel a spot on your face, on your hand. And then the gracious rain comes, gathering its forces — steady, close, abundant. Lean out of window, and watch, and listen. How delicious!... the verandah beneath losing its scattered spots in a sheet of luminous wet; and, never pausing, the close, heavy, soft-rushing noise... ~John Richard Vernon, "The Beauty of Rain," 1863
Patter and pelt upon the roof,
The rain and hail together
Are dancing, as they clatter out
The rhyme of summer weather.
~Sara L. Vickers Oberholtzer, "The Summer Rain," Violet Lee, and Other Poems, 1873
Suddenly all the sky is hid
As with the shutting of a lid,
One by one great drops are falling
Doubtful and slow,
Down the pane they are crookedly crawling,
And the wind breathes low;
Slowly the circles widen on the river,
Widen and mingle, one and all;
Here and there the slenderer flowers shiver,
Struck by an icy rain-drop's fall.
~James Russell Lowell, "Summer Storm," 1839
I wake and hear it raining.
Were I dead, what would I give
Lazily to lie here,
Like this, and live?...
~Mark Van Doren, "Morning Worship," The Autobiography of Mark Van Doren, 1958
When at morn I saw the world in a dewdrop dress,
I knew what had happened.
The rain had kissed each flower lovingly.
So sweet and so loving was the kiss
That it shone like silver
And the air was filled with fragrance.
~Julia Cooley Altrocchi (1893–1972), "The Raindrops," 1902, The Poems of a Child, Being Poems Written Between the Ages of Six and Ten, 1904
But the true lover of rain... has a deep inner enjoyment of the rain, as rain, and his sense of its beauty drinks it in as thirstily as does the drinking earth. It refreshes and cools his heart and brain; he longs to go forth into the fields, to feel its steady stream, to scent its fragrance; to stand under some heavy-foliaged chestnut-tree, and hear the rushing music on the crowded leaves. ~John Richard Vernon, "The Beauty of Rain," 1863
Hush! Still as death,
The tempest holds his breath
As from a sudden will;
The rain stops short, but from the eaves
You see it drop, and hear it from the leaves,
All is so bodingly still...
~James Russell Lowell, "Summer Storm," 1839
Rain drops are to the buds and grass like little deeds of kindness to the weary heart. ~Ouina (Cora L. V. Scott Richmond), given through her Medium "Water Lily," "April Showers for My Flowers," Ouina's Canoe, 1882
It hain't no use to grumble and complane;
It's jest as cheap and easy to rejoice.—
When God sorts out the weather and sends rain,
W'y, rain's my choice...
~James Whitcomb Riley, "Wet-Weather Talk," 1901
Oh, Tlaloc, turn your sorrow on us
That we may be bathed in your tears.
~Charles Hutchinson, "Prayer to Tlaloc, God of Rain"
Thick drops whispering about me
Splutter soft and plash my shelter,
Foaming at my feet I see
Rushing gutter streams which skelter,
Crystal pools reflecting grass blades...
Shining pavements rainbow shades...
Thin thoughts whispering about me
Splutter soft and plash my shelter...
~Eda Lou Walton, "Under an Umbrella," c.1919
On rainy days the sidewalks were tiny lakes into which I looked at the gray world about me. The trees shooting deep into the ground made me dizzy... I touched the trees, but the rippling water broke up the picture. ~Anonymous freshman college student, c.1916
O the rain of the evening is an infinite thing,
As it shivers to jewel-heaps spilt on the pavement.
The façades frown gloomily at its beauty...
With rippling, curling,
Serpentine convolutions
The pavements drip with drunken light.
Crimson and gold,
Shot with opal,
They glare against the sullen night.
~John Gould Fletcher, "Solitude in the City: The Evening Rain"
The crisp drenching rustle from the dry foliage of the perceptibly grateful trees... the little plants, in speechless ecstasy, receiving cupful after cupful into the outspread leaves, that silently empty their gracious load, time after time, into the still expecting roots, and open their hands still for more. ~John Richard Vernon, "The Beauty of Rain," 1863
Wild clouds roll up, slag-dark and slaty gray,
And in the oaks the sere wind sobs and sighs,
Weird as a word a man before he dies
Mutters beneath his breath yet fears to say:
The rain drives down; and by each forest way
Each dead leaf drips, and murmurings arise
As of fantastic footsteps, — one who flies,
Whispering, — the dim eidolon of the day...
~Madison Julius Cawein (1865–1914), "Winter Rain"
Troubles are usually the brooms and shovels that smooth the road to a man's good fortune, of which he little dreams; and many a man curses the rain that falls upon his head, and knows not that it brings abundance to drive away hunger... ~Giambattista Basile (c.1575–1632), The Pentamerone, or The Story of Stories, translated from the Neapolitan by John Edward Taylor, 1848
rain and wind speak
of more than just
water and air —
rain patters hope
wind whispers let go
~Terri Guillemets
I wield the flail of the lashing hail,
And whiten the green plains under,
And then again I dissolve it in rain,
And laugh as I pass in thunder....
~Percy Bysshe Shelley, "The Cloud"
Good night. I have said my prayer with the forest; stood to the dark and the rain; cast my voice on the storm. Though my body shall lie in heavy slumber, my petition has gone on, caught and carried in the surge of the trees, whirled in high vortex over the mountain, drifting in black mists through the fertile night. Acknowledged, answered, in the drip of the rain. ~Virginia Garland, "The Rain," Out West: A Magazine of the Old Pacific and the New, February 1908
The wind is like a spirit
And the sea a mystery;
But the blessed rain is a living voice
That speaks through the night to me.
~Charles Buxton Going, "Voice of the Rain," Star-Glow & Song, 1909
Rain on leaves,
Drip, thrip, thud, thlong,
Is sewing them forever
To the grass, to the ground...
~Mark Van Doren (1894–1972), "Rain on Leaves," Good Morning: Last Poems by Mark Van Doren, 1973 [a book of poems written during the final three years of his life —tg]
It was a messy, whipping, every-which-direction, cold drops in warm air, big-splattered summer rain. ~Terri Guillemets
The doors of abysmal gloom swing wide. Under the covert of the night the storm breaks loose. The heavily breathing earth, no longer passive, starts, turns with exhilarant response under a torrent of tingling rain... The swirling song of the storm calls to some dim, long-forgotten instinct, which is suddenly unleashed. I am athirst for the unencumbered impact of the rain... My shoulders are mantled in running scarves of rain... Over and through all, the soaking, palpable darkness, penetrating deep, deep, to the heart of the earth. ~Virginia Garland, "The Rain," Out West: A Magazine of the Old Pacific and the New, February 1908
All night our room was outer-walled with rain.
Drops fell and flattened on the tin roof,
And rang like little disks of metal.
Ping! — Ping! — and there was not a pin-point of silence between them.
The rain rattled and clashed,
And the slats of the shutters danced and glittered.
But to me the darkness was red-gold and crocus-coloured
With your brightness,
And the words you whispered to me
Sprang up and flamed — orange torches against the rain.
Torches against the wall of cool, silver rain!
~Amy Lowell, "Summer Rain," Pictures of the Floating World, 1919
Rain is a wet apology for the drought. ~Terri Guillemets, "Desert emotions," 2004
For after all, the best thing one can do
When it is raining, is to let it rain.
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, "The Poet's Tale: The Birds of Killingworth," Tales of a Wayside Inn, 1863
"Don't you think it's rather poor weather for walking?" Jonathan said.
I responded glibly, "Some one has said there is no such thing as bad weather, there are only good clothes."
He looked out at the puddling road, "You'll get your hair wet."
"I hope so! Perhaps you'd rather stay indoors and be a tabby-cat and keep dry." The fact was, Jonathan really wanted to go, but he didn't want to start. When people really enjoy doing a thing, and mean to do it, and yet won't get going, something has to be done to get them going...
Out we went into the drenched world. Whish! And now that we're really wet, we can enjoy ourselves. "How the rain changes everything!" I said. All the colors had freshened and darkened, and the blur of the falling rain softened the world. In the woods the water was everywhere, ready to hurl itself upon us, from above, from beside us, from below. Every step, every motion, drew upon us drenching showers of great drops that had been hanging heavily in the leaves ready to break away at a touch. There is as much exhilaration in being out in a big rain and getting really rained through, as there is in being out in surf.
It has nothing in common with the sensations that arise when, umbrellaed and mackintoshed and rubber-overshoed, we pick our way gingerly along the street, wondering how much we can keep dry and fancying how we shall look when we "get there." But when you don't care — when you want to get wet, and do — there is a physical glow that is delightful, a sense of being washed through and through, of losing one's identity almost, and being washed away into the great swirl of nature where one doesn't count much, but is glad to be taken in as a part.
I fancy this is true with any of the elements — earth, air, water. The tale of Antæus was no mere legend; there is real strength for us in close contact with the earth. There is a purifying and uplifting potency in the winds, a potency in the waters — ocean and river and great rain. Our civilization has dealt with all these so successfully that we are apt to think of them as docile servants, or perhaps as petty annoyances, and we lose the sense of their power unless we deliberately go out to meet them in their own domain and let them have their way with us. Then, indeed, they sweep us out of ourselves for a season, and that is good. ~Elisabeth Woodbridge, "In the Rain," 1911 [altered —tg]
It's better to go out and dance in the rain than to stay inside under a leaky roof. ~Vance L. Wisen, 1991
There is still one kind of bath, hitherto unused, which would be very advantageous both to parents and children, I mean a thunder-storm bath. Physicians employ in their experiments on nervous invalids, electric air, electric plates, electric baths; but thunder, or rather thunder water, they have not as yet prescribed. Have they never experienced that a person never feels so fresh, cheerful and elastic as after a warm or tepid rain has penetrated to the skin? Since human beings, when dry again after a storm, feel so much invigorated, and the world of flowers still more so, why will they not receive this united fire and water baptism from above, and suffer themselves to be raised the healed by the wonder-working arm in the thunder cloud?
One ought to have an especial rain or bathing suit of clothes, as a frequenter of the spring cloud-baths; and then, when there is a promise of wet weather, make a rain party, and return home dripping. ~Jean Paul Friedrich Richter (1763–1825), Levana; or, The Doctrine of Education, 1807, translated from the German by A. H., 1848 & 1884
Hail is just angry rain. ~Terri Guillemets, 1987
The rain cools the air, calms the soul and replenishes life. ~Mike Dolan, 2015
A rainy landscape has a great charm for me; the dark tints become more velvety, the softer tones more ethereal. The country in rain is like a face with traces of tears upon it... ~Henri Frédéric Amiel, 1871, translated by Mary Augusta Arnold Ward
...sometimes i ran on serendipitous, sunny-warm days:
on clear blue days when skies were mountainous with strata of white and gray;
on wet days when the wind put happy tears
on my cheeks and eyelashes
and the puddles beneath my feet were meant to be jumped over...
~Ken Sekaquaptewa and Candy St. Jacques, Sahuaro, 1970, yearbook of the Associated Students of Arizona State University
The freshness of the rain-wind blew against her face. ~L. M. Montgomery, Anne of the Island, 1915
dancing in the rain
at nature's cloudy party
~Terri Guillemets
A Ribes close by is covered with hanging pink blossoms; the intense green of the steep bank is due to there having hitherto been more April tears than smiles. ~Lady John Manners, "Belvoir at Eastertide," in The Garden: An Illustrated Weekly Journal of Horticulture In All Its Branches, 1886
Come inside now.
Stand beside the warming stove.
Watch out through the windows as
a cold rain tears down
the last leaves...
~David Budbill, "Come Inside Now," Happy Life, 2011,
Meantime there came a shower, which so besprinkled the grass and shrubbery as to make it rather wet for our after-tea ramble. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne, journal, 1842 August 15th
For months we have had scarcely any rain... The grass and the trees have seemed to remain at a standstill, as though waiting for something. When I pour waterpot after waterpot of water about the roots of some favourite or needy plant, the water runs off the caked ground... seemingly, without quenching the fever-thirst of the earth... the beauty of rain is a thing often missed, I think, even by those who do keep, as they pass through this world, a keen eye for the Creator's thoughts, embodied in beauty about them... ~John Richard Vernon, "The Beauty of Rain," 1863
Knock at my pane
With your finger-tips,
O rain.
~Pearl Andelson, "Solace," c.1921
"Fire's better than rain, anyway," one of them said.
"Oh, is that so?" I shot back at him. "If it wasn't for rain there wouldn't be any good fishing... And another thing... look at Queen Victoria; she reigned for fifty years and she didn't get mad." ~Percy Keese Fitzhugh, Roy Blakeley: Lost, Strayed or Stolen, 1921
It is beautiful when it rains far away in the distance, the bright sun shining on the mound on which you stand, and only a few guerilla drops heralding the approach of the shower towards you. ~John Richard Vernon, "The Beauty of Rain," 1863
published 2000 Apr 24
revised 2001, 2012, 2019
last saved 2025 Jan 19