The Quote Garden ™
I dig old books. ™
Est. 1998
Quotations about Boldness
Bold must we be and unafraid of delight... ~James Oppenheim, "Sonnets: VII," War and Laughter, 1916
The game is worth the candle. I will play it boldly and remorselessly. ~Leon Lewis (1833–1920), Found Guilty; or, The Hidden Crime, 1878
Put a grain of boldness into everything you do. ~Baltasar Gracián, translated from Spanish
Venus favors the bold. ~Ovid, translated by Rolfe Humphries, 1957
This is well to be weighed, that boldness is ever blind, for it seeth not dangers and inconveniences; therefore it is ill in counsel, good in execution... ~Francis Bacon
Be bold, Be bold, and every where Be bold... ~Edmund Spenser
Fate loves the fearless... ~James Russell Lowell
Bold as an onion! ~James Lendall Basford (1845–1915), Seven Seventy Seven Sensations, 1897
Your heart knows that sometimes it's okay to be a complete idiot. ~Kelly Johnson, @KellyMichele29, August 2010 entry to The Quote Garden create your own quote contest on Twitter, @quotegarden
He was a bold Man, that first eat an Oyster. ~Jonathan Swift, A Complete Collection of Genteel and Ingenious Conversation, According to the Most Polite Mode and Method Now Used at Court, and in the Best Companies of England, in Three Dialogues by Simon Wagstaff, Esq., "Polite Conversation, &c.: Dialogue II" (Colonel Atwit), completed 1731, published 1738 [This is the original phrasing. Some later sources have changed this to "He was a bold man that first ate an oyster." —tg]
I speak truth, not so much as I would, but as much as I dare, and I dare a little the more, as I grow older; for, methinks, custom allows to age more liberty of prating, and more indiscretion of talking of a man's self. ~Michel de Montaigne, translated by Charles Cotton
There is no strong performance without a little fanaticism in the performer. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
I smile in unfear, in conscious potency. I come with yet more strength for the strong, with suage for the assuager. ~Muriel Strode (1875–1964), "Songs of the Strong: III," A Soul's Faring, 1921
Last saved 2025 Jan 01 Wed 20:04 CST