The Quote Garden ™
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Est. 1998
“I Love You”
I have but few Words to spare. If I had but Six left three of them should be spent in saying I love you... ~Francis Hopkinson, letter to Thomas Jefferson, 1790
I love you... and always I have a chair for you in the smallest parlor in the world, to wit, my heart. ~Emily Dickinson, letter to Louisa Norcross, 1860
A good speech has a beginning, a middle and an end, the best example being, "I love you." ~Robert Brault,
From far, or from near, dear old fellow, I think of you and I love you from the depth of my old heart which does not know the flight of years. ~George Sand, letter to Gustave Flaubert, 1868, translated by Aimee L. McKenzie
I have told you and I told you truly that I love you too much. You engross my thoughts too entirely to allow me to think anything else. You not only employ my mind all day, but you intrude on my sleep. I meet you in every dream and when I wake I cannot close my eyes again for ruminating on your sweetness. ~Alexander Hamilton, letter to Elizabeth Schuyler, 1780
My hurry is so great can't write more than that I love you Dearly... ~Catharine Greene, letter to Benjamin Franklin, 1781
I must write you one line of love, my dear little lunatic. I love you... I love you! ~Juliette Drouet, letter to Victor Hugo, 1833, translated by Theodora Davidson
I embrace you with a full heart... I love you. ~George Sand, letter to Gustave Flaubert, 1869, translated by Aimee L. McKenzie
I love you more than words can wield the matter;
Dearer than eyesight, space, and liberty;
Beyond what can be valued, rich or rare;
No less than life, with grace, health, beauty, honour;
As much as child e'er lov'd, or father found;
A love that makes breath poor, and speech unable.
Beyond all manner of so much I love you.
~William Shakespeare, King Lear, c.1605 [I, 1, Goneril]
I love you better than the light of my eyes, or the life-blood in my heart... ~Richard Steele, letter to Mrs. Steele, 1708
I love you more than tongue can tell, or heart can hold in silence. ~R. D. Blackmore, Lorna Doone, 1869
Words fail me, and the best I can say is: I love you! I love you! ~Juliette Drouet, letter to Victor Hugo, 1870, translated by Theodora Davidson
It's a simple sentiment, "I love you," and yet so hard sometimes to get the wording right. ~Robert Brault,
I know no ways to mince it in love, but directly to say 'I love you'... ~William Shakespeare, Henry V, c.1598 [V, 2, Henry V]
I love you... and am thereby made whole. ~Juliette Drouet, letter to Victor Hugo, 1837, translated by Theodora Davidson
"I love you, dear."
There is no phrase so worn and old
In all the world; nor one so sweet
To lover's lips or maiden's ear
As this refrain, "I love you, dear."
"I love you, dear."
There is no change as time goes on,
No new words seem to mean so much
As when they're uttered, fondly near,
In trembling tones, "I love you, dear."
"I love you, dear."
No night so dark, no day so long,
But hope brings comfort to the heart,
If only "someone" standeth near
To murmur low, "I love you, dear."
~Anonymous, c.1896
I love you because I love you, because it would be impossible for me not to love you. I love you without question, without calculation, without reason good or bad, faithfully, with all my heart and soul, and every faculty. Believe it, for it is true. ~Juliette Drouet, letter to Victor Hugo, 1833, translated by Theodora Davidson
I love you more and more every hour. ~Alexander Hamilton, letter to Elizabeth Schuyler, 1780
Either love me not at all, or as I love you, for ever. ~R. D. Blackmore, Lorna Doone, 1869
I love you — I have loved you dearly all these... years — I shall love you to my grave. ~Giovanni Ruffini, Doctor Antonio, 1855
Every mark of friendship I receive from you Adds to my Happiness as I love you with all the sincerity and Warmth of My Heart, and the sentiment I feel for you goes to the very extent of my affections. ~Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du Motier, marquis de Lafayette, letter to George Washington, 1781
I love you... I feel it to the very marrow of my bones. ~Juliette Drouet, letter to Victor Hugo, 1836, translated by Theodora Davidson
I have longed for weary months to say, "I love you..." ~Annie F. Hector, Beaton's Bargain, 1886
I love you more than you can imagine. ~Benjamin Franklin, letter to Dorothea Blunt, 1771
Oh, I love you, I love you far too much. ~Juliette Drouet, letter to Victor Hugo, 1837, translated by Theodora Davidson
I love you more than I ought... ~Alexander Hamilton, letter to Elizabeth Schuyler, 1780
I love you. You are the treasure of my heart. ~Juliette Drouet, letter to Victor Hugo, 1838, translated by Theodora Davidson
I love you — since first I saw you I have loved you... ~Hugh Conway, Called Back, 1884
I love you... with all my strength, and more yet. I press my lips in spirit upon you... ~Juliette Drouet, letter to Victor Hugo, 1838, translated by Theodora Davidson
I kiss you and I love you. ~George Sand, letter to Gustave Flaubert, 1870, translated by Aimee L. McKenzie
I love you exceedingly. ~Benjamin Franklin, letter to William Strahan, 1763
But I beguile the need I feel of being near you... by telling you over and over again, my poor, dear friend, how much I love you. ~George Sand, letter to Gustave Flaubert, 1872, translated by Aimee L. McKenzie
Dearest... put your arms round me... and say, "...I love you!"... Whisper it to me, and I will be content. ~Annie F. Hector, Beaton's Bargain, 1886
But to be serious, my dear old Friend, I love you as much as ever... ~Benjamin Franklin, letter to Joseph Priestley, 1782
I love you and I embrace you with all my soul... ~George Sand, letter to Gustave Flaubert, 1872, translated by Aimee L. McKenzie
I love you with so much of my heart that none is left to protest. ~William Shakespeare, Much Ado about Nothing, c.1598 [IV, 1, Beatrice]
I love you, love you! Let the whole world forsake me, if only you remain! ~Marie Corelli (Mary Mills Mackay), The Life Everlasting, 1911
I love you. Indeed I love you. ~Juliette Drouet, letter to Victor Hugo, 1833, translated by Theodora Davidson
I love you, that is the truest word of all. ~Juliette Drouet, letter to Victor Hugo, 1835, translated by Theodora Davidson
Where shall I begin, my love? At your divine feet or your celestial brow? What shall I express first? my admiration, or the adoration?... Ah, let me mingle those two sentiments that dazzle my brain and burn up my heart. I love you! I admire you! I adore you!... my beloved, light of my eyes, flame of my heart, life of my life! ~Juliette Drouet, letter to Victor Hugo, 1841, translated by Theodora Davidson
Shall I tell you a thousand times over... that I love you? ~Justin McCarthy, Dear Lady Disdain, 1875
Ask me no reason why I love you; for though
Love use Reason for his physician, he admits him
not for his counsellor... You are merry, so am I...
You love sack, so do I... Let it suffice that I love thee...
~William Shakespeare, Merry Wives of Windsor, c.1600 [a little altered —tg]
I come to tell you I love you without regret for the past or fear for the future. I come to you with a smile on my lips and a blessing in my bosom... ~Juliette Drouet, letter to Victor Hugo, 1853, translated by Theodora Davidson
Oh, yes, I love you, it is true! I love you in spite of myself, in spite of you, in spite of the whole world, in spite of God, in spite even of the Devil who mixes himself up in it. I love you, I love you, I love you, happy or unhappy, merry or sad. I love you! ~Juliette Drouet, letter to Victor Hugo, 1833, translated by Theodora Davidson
I love you so in prosperity, and still more in adversity! ~Juliette Drouet, letter to Victor Hugo, 1834, translated by Theodora Davidson
I love you and bless you. ~Juliette Drouet, letter to Victor Hugo, 1851, translated by Theodora Davidson
Be happy; I love you, bless you, and adore you. ~Juliette Drouet, letter to Victor Hugo, 1861, translated by Theodora Davidson
I love you (also your mother). ~George Sand, letter to Gustave Flaubert, 1867, translated by Aimee L. McKenzie
I love you and every Sprigg from your Stem... ~John Adams, letter to John Quincy Adams, 1815
You must not be hurt at these clodhopping Sentiments of mine for I love you so truly... ~Richard Peters, letter to James Madison, 1789
I know not what to say, but that I love you with the sincerest passion that ever entered the heart of man. ~Richard Steele, letter to Mary Scurlocke, 1707
I love you, love you, love you, love you, love you. ~Juliette Drouet, letter to Victor Hugo, 1835, translated by Theodora Davidson
"I know… because I love you too," I whispered into his chest. Saying it the first time was the hardest. There's something so final about it. ~Judy Blume, Forever…, 1975
Yes, yes, I love you! ~Juliette Drouet, letter to Victor Hugo, 1835, translated by Theodora Davidson
Love me ever as sincerely as I love you and every wish of my heart will be gratified... ~Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, letter to John Quincy Adams, 1815
Those lines that I before have writ do lie,
Even those that said I could not love you dearer:
Yet then my judgment knew no reason why
My most full flame should afterwards burn clearer.
But reckoning time, whose million'd accidents
Creep in 'twixt vows and change decrees of kings,
Tan sacred beauty, blunt the sharp'st intents,
Divert strong minds to the course of altering things;
Alas, why, fearing of time's tyranny,
Might I not then say 'Now I love you best,'
When I was certain o'er incertainty,
Crowning the present, doubting of the rest?
Love is a babe; then might I not say so,
To give full growth to that which still doth grow?
~William Shakespeare
I love you and adore you, body, heart and soul. ~Juliette Drouet, letter to Victor Hugo, 1873, translated by Theodora Davidson
I love you with all my bones — the heart is too ephemeral. ~Terri Guillemets, "Myelin," 1995
My one cry is: I love you! I love you!! I love you!!! All my heart and soul are contained in those words: I love you. ~Juliette Drouet, letter to Victor Hugo, 1876, translated by Theodora Davidson
Plainly conceive, I love you. ~William Shakespeare, Measure for Measure, c.1604 [II, 4, Angelo]
I love you. My heart melts in admiration and adoration. There is more rapture of love in my poor heart than it is capable of containing. Come then, and receive the superabundance of my ecstasy. ~Juliette Drouet, letter to Victor Hugo, 1833, translated by Theodora Davidson
Rejecting all organs of information therefore but my senses, I rid myself of the Pyrrhonisms with which an indulgence in speculations hyperphysical and antiphysical so uselessly occupy and disquiet the mind. a single sense may indeed be sometimes decieved, but rarely; and never all our senses together, with their faculty of reasoning. they evidence realities; and there are enough of these for all the purposes of life, without plunging into the fathomless abyss of dreams & phantasms. I am satisfied, and sufficiently occupied with the things which are, without tormenting or troubling myself about those which may indeed be, but of which I have no evidence. I am sure that I really know many, many, things, and none more surely than that I love you with all my heart, and pray for the continuance of your life until you shall be tired of it yourself. ~Thomas Jefferson, letter to John Adams, 1820
I love you... I adore you... you are my sun and my life, my love and my soul! All that, and more. ~Juliette Drouet, letter to Victor Hugo, 1838, translated by Theodora Davidson
I love you... My love dominates my whole being. ~Juliette Drouet, letter to Victor Hugo, 1834, translated by Theodora Davidson
I love you... as much as the first day and more than ever. ~Juliette Drouet, letter to Victor Hugo, 1841, translated by Theodora Davidson
Still, I swear I love you. ~William Shakespeare, Cymbeline, c.1609 [II, 3, Cloten]
Not that I love you not. ~William Shakespeare, Othello, c.1604 [III, 4, Cassio]
I love you dearly — not hobbihorsically — but most sentimentally and affectionately... ~Laurence Sterne (1713–1768)
If I love you, what business is it of yours? ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, translated from German
I am eagerly awaiting... to see you. Until then, I love you, I love you, I love you. ~Juliette Drouet, letter to Victor Hugo, 1851, translated by Theodora Davidson
I love you, write to me... Give me news of yourself. ~George Sand, letters to Gustave Flaubert, 1870s, translated by Aimee L. McKenzie
Dear adored one, I do not know where I may be this time next year, but I am proud and happy to sign my life-certificate for 1883 with this one word: I love you. ~Juliette Drouet, letter to Victor Hugo, 1883, translated by Theodora Davidson [At the risk of being crass, in one — actual — word, a year from that letter — her last ever — she would be: dead. —tg]
Remember that I love you and shall love you to the last! ~Marie Corelli (Mary Mills Mackay), The Life Everlasting, 1911
Adieu my angel, be happy and love me as well as I love you... ~Alexander Hamilton, letter to Elizabeth Schuyler, 1780
I love you tenderly, adieu. ~Benjamin Franklin, letter to Sarah Davenport, c.1730
published Aug 2000
revised 2023 Feb 23
last saved 2024 Apr 26