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Quotations: The Most Superlative
Words in the English Language
Summer afternoon — summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language. ~Henry James (1843–1916), as quoted by Edith Wharton, A Backward Glance, 1934
The four most important words in the English language are: "How can I help?" ~Author unknown, c.1960s
Five of the sweetest words in the English language begin with H, which is only a breath — Heart, Hope, Home, Happiness, and Heaven. Heart is a hope-place, and home is a heart-place; and that man sadly mistaketh, who would exchange the happiness of home for anything less than heaven. ~The Youth's Companion, 1853
These were voted as the three sweetest words in the English language:
1. I love you.
2. Dinner is served.
3. All is forgiven.
4. Sleep 'til noon.
5. Keep the change.
6. Here's that five.
~Pelican, c.1939
The four most beautiful words in our common language: "I told you so." ~Gore Vidal (1925–2012)
Two of the most pleasant words in the English language are "please" and "thank you." ~Author unknown, c.1950s
The three most important words in the English language are: "I appreciate you." ~Author unknown, c.1960s
If the most beautiful words in the English language are "I love you," then I submit that high on the list for the number two spot is "I forgive you." ~G. Avery Lee (1916–2008), "The Second Most Beautiful Words," Affirmations of a Skeptical Believer, 1991
Three words fall on my listening ear
Like music from an Angel-lyre,
And when those thrilling words I hear
My spirit burns with Heavenly fire;
The sweetest words to mortals given,
Methinks are Mother, Home and Heaven...
~W. G. Brown, "Mother, Home, Heaven," 1851
The sweetest words in the English language are: — "Welcome. Make yourself at home." ~Author unknown, c.1949
Notwithstanding the fact that "yes" may be the sweetest word that ever fell from the lips of mortal, the little word of two letters "no" is the greatest in our language. ~Your Uncle Kris, "Pointlets and Tiplets Sung to Ragtime," 1908
How difficult it is to say "No!" Perhaps there is no word in the English language more hard to utter at the right moment. ~When to Say "No!", 1861, Jarrold & Sons, London
The two biggest little words in the English language are the two little words "do right." ~Bob Jones, Sr. (1883–1968)
‘Women’ and ‘Shakespeare’ are the two best words in the English language! ~B. W. Woodward, Old Wine in New Bottles: For Old and New Friends, 1890 [“Reverend Somebody” —tg]
Words are peculiar that way, full of overtones and memories and semantic subtleties. It's an old game to pick the most beautiful, or the most unpleasant, words in the language. Playing it, some people have chosen "cellar door" as the most beautiful combination of sounds, with liquid consonants and soft vowels. ~Hal Borland
A good story is being told of a prominent credit man for a New York hat house which runs thus: A Philadelphia magazine having offered a prize for the best answer to the question "Which are the four sweetest words in the English language?" our friend the credit man secured the prize by sending in a slip on which he wrote these words: "Enclosed please find check." ~The American Hatter, 1903
Service is the greatest single word in any language. ~F. D. Boynton, "Why Teach?," 1920
Freedom is the greatest single word of the 20th century... ~Lawrence Folkemer, "A Call To Be Christian," 1953
The wisest one-word sentence? Breathe. ~Terri Guillemets, "Clarity of breath," 2009
The biggest word in the dictionary — What is it? It all depends on what you mean by "big." If you mean the longest word, there are some that stretch out so long on the page that it looks as though the printer had dumped the whole type case upside down to spell it. But the long words are never those that count most. They are never, in the true sense, the large words. The words that count most are all short, stubby words, like home, love, wife, child, work, play, food, sky, life, God. However, if by the biggest word we mean the one most important for us, that word is If. This simple two-letter word will either cause us the most trouble or represent the greatest gain to us. ~Halford E. Luccock, "The Biggest Word in the Dictionary," Five-Minute Shop-Talks, 1916 [a little altered —tg]
It is said that there are more lies told in the sentence "I am glad to see you," than in any other six words in the English language. ~Parry's Literary Journal, 1886
CHLOE: Oh, and by the way, we need to talk.
LUCIFER: Four most terrifying words in the English language.
~Lucifer, "My Best Friend's Wedding," 2021, written by Julia Fontana [S6, E7]
I've always felt the nine most terrifying words in the English language are, "I'm from the government and I'm here to help." ~Ronald Reagan, 1986
The saddest three words in the English language: "Rest in peace." ~Pelican, c.1939
The superlative is the excess of expression. We are a garrulous, demonstrative kind of creatures, and cannot live without much outlet for all our sense and nonsense. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson, "The Superlative," 1882
published 2009 Mar 22
revised 2020 Sep 13
last saved 2025 Jan 7