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Proverbial Relations
Experience is the father, and memory the mother of wisdom. ~Proverb
Health and cheerfulness are brothers. ~Proverbs, William Hardcastle Browne, 1900
Take-it-easy and Live-long are brothers. ~German proverb
Night is the mother of counsels. ~English proverb
Gratitude is the mother of the virtues. ~Cicero
Ingratitude is the daughter of pride. ~Spanish proverb, Miguel de Cervantes
Be father to virtue, but father-in-law to vice. ~Proverb
Our Vices and Virtues couple with one another, and get Children that resemble both their Parents. ~George Savile, 1st Marquess of Halifax
Patience is sister to meekness, and humility is its mother. ~Proverb
Death and Sleepe have both one mother,
Sleepe makes Death a younger brother...
~Witts New Dyall: or, A Schollers Prize, 1604
Want is the mother of industry. ~French proverb
Industry is the parent of fortune. ~German proverb
Trade is the mother of money. ~English proverb
Sloth is the mother of poverty. ~English proverb
Poverty is the sister of a sound mind. ~German proverb
Borrowing is the mother of trouble. ~Hebrew proverb
Frugality may be termed the daughter of Prudence, the sister of Temperance, and the parent of Liberty. ~Samuel Johnson
The thrift habit is a sister to a good many other beautiful habits. ~Elbert Hubbard, Loyalty in Business, 1921
Diligence is the mother of good fortune. ~Spanish proverb, Miguel de Cervantes
God has use for Reason but He has not made her the sister of Charity... ~Alfred de Musset, The Confession of a Child of the Century/La Confession d’un enfant du siècle, 1836, translated from French by Kendall Warren
Despair is the offspring of fear and impatience. ~Proverb
Here's to Hope! — the child of Care,
And pretty sister of Despair,
Here's hoping that Hope's children shan't
Take after their Grandma or Aunt!
~Oliver Herford, c.1903
Faith is brother to despair. ~Proverbs, William Hardcastle Browne, 1900
Hope is twin sister with tender Mercy... and graciously bestowed by Heaven on earth for mortals' happiness — the balm of sorrow — a little star that twinkles through the darkling gloom of despair and wretchedness. Oh! 'tis sweet! but yet for love nothing but love can satisfy. ~R. F., "Katharine of Mountcassel: A Romance of the Days of Chivalry," 1852
Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother. ~Kahlil Gibran (1883–1931)
Gratitude and Faith are brothers, and their children — optimism and enthusiasm — are first cousins. ~William Arthur Ward, Thoughts of a Christian Optimist, 1968
Body and spirit are twins: God only knows which is which... ~Algernon Charles Swinburne, "The Higher Pantheism in a Nutshell," 1880
The heart and the gut are siblings. ~Terri Guillemets
Peace is the father of friendship. ~African proverb
Contentment is the more serene brother of Happiness. ~Terri Guillemets
Joy is the child of service.
Friendship is the heir of concern.
Improvement is the son of discontent.
Achievement is the progeny of effort.
Success is the offspring of preparation.
~William Arthur Ward, Thoughts of a Christian Optimist, 1968
Humour and disillusionment are twin sisters. ~Stephen Leacock, The Garden of Folly, 1924
Solitude is the mother of anxieties. ~Publilius Syrus, 1st century BCE, from the Latin by D. Lyman, 1856
Fear is the parent of cruelty. ~James Anthony Froude
Cruelty and fear are brothers. ~William Hardcastle Browne's Proverbs, 1900
Fear, indeed, is the mother of foresight... ~Henry Taylor
Fear is the father of courage and the mother of safety. ~Proverb
Reality is always the dowdy sister to Fancy. ~Dr. Idel Dreimer
Beauty and folly are sisters. ~German proverb
Zeal without knowledge is the sister of folly. ~Proverb, quoted by Robert Christy, 1800s
Superstition is to religion what astrology is to astronomy, the foolish daughter of a wise mother. ~Voltaire (1694–1778), translated from the French by T. Smollett, T. Franklin, et al., 1764
Ignorance is not only the mother of superstition, but the foster-parent of knavery. ~T. C. Henley
Superstition is the child of fear, and fear is the child of ignorance. ~Charles Kingsley
The printing press is the mother of errors. ~Italian proverb
Gaming is the son of avarice and the father of despair. ~French proverb
The Child is father of the Man... ~William Wordsworth, 1804
Every man is the son of his actions. ~Spanish proverb
Variety is the mother of Enjoyment. ~Benjamin Disraeli
Trust is the mother of deceit. ~English proverb
Idleness is the Mother of Vice, the Step-mother to all Virtues. ~Italian proverb
So runs the genealogy of many another sin: idleness is usually the grandfather of the crime, whatever the father might be. ~C. H. Spurgeon
Can and Will are cousins, dear,
Who never trust to luck;
Can is the child of Energy
And Will the child of Pluck.
Can't and Won't are cousins, too,
They are always out of work;
For Can't is son of Never Try
And Won't is son of Shirk.
In choosing your companions, dear,
Select both Will and Can;
But turn aside from Can't and Won't,
If you would be a man.
~Rufus C. Landon, "Family History," 1898
A boaster and a liar are cousins. ~German proverb
Flattery is the prolific parent of falsehood. ~Edward Gibbon
Indolence is the mother of misery. ~Galen, as quoted by Edward Parsons Day
Gluttony is the parent of disease. ~Proverbs, William Hardcastle Browne, 1900
Truth is the daughter of Time. ~Aulus Gellius
Silence is the parent of wise thoughts, — the mark of a well composed mind. ~John Hunt, 1771
"Where little is done, little is said," observed Sheikh Hassan, "and Silence is the mother of Truth..." ~Benjamin Disraeli, Tancred, 1847
Truth and dreams are twins. ~Austin O'Malley, Keystones of Thought, 1914
Hope is twin sister to contentment. ~James H. Van Buren, "The Present Outlook," 1904
Hope is twin-sister to thankfulness... ~F. L., Wafted Seeds, 1870
Hope is twin-sister to patience, and if cultivated would make many lives happier. Hope sustains the soul in the midst of the heaviest trials. It was the blessing that Pandora carried at the bottom of her box full of evils. Even the unreasoning bone of those who look at everything through rose-coloured spectacles, and see good fortune approaching them at every turn, is better than constant complaining. ~Marianne Farningham, "Spurgeon's Philosophy: A Word for Patience," Spurgeon: The People's Preacher, 1892
From sunshine to shadow and back again, Fate leads and Hope ever holds us by the hand. Hope is the twin sister to Courage and so long as the latter is with us Hope will be there also. ~Ellsworth R. Bathrick (1863–1917), "Don't Worry Book," 1909, as quoted by Mill Supplies, 1915
...O war, thou son of hell,
Whom angry heavens do make their minister
Throw in the frozen bosoms of our part
Hot coals of vengeance!...
~William Shakespeare, Henry VI, Part II, c.1590 [V, 2, Young Clifford]
The sword is brother to the olive wreath. ~Hindustan proverb
published 2007 Jul 3
revised 2017 May 5
last saved 2025 Jan 7