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Quotations about the Color Yellow

Welcome to my page of quotations about yellow — the color of sunshine, lemons, bees, springtime flowers, so many beautiful things! —Terri

Just now we are having a glorious strong heat, with no wind, just what I want. There is a sun, a light that for want of a better word I can only call yellow, pale sulphur yellow, pale golden citron. How lovely yellow is! ~Vincent Van Gogh (1853–1890)

In literature, indeed, yellow has long been the color of romance. ~“The Yellow Boom,” in Current Literature, February 1895

Colors of the summer sun illuminate the meadow. Gold, the massed gold of hawkweed; the burnished gold of black-eyed Susans; the delicate, demure gold of stargrass, cousin of the daffodil; and the sun's very rays captured by the field's wild sunflowers. ~Hal Borland, Seasons, 1973

Yellow is the eldest son of light. ~Charles Blanc, Art in Ornament and Dress, 1875, quotation translated from the French by Steven Schwartzman, 2020,  [Many thanks to Mr Schwartzman who noticed an oddity in the 1877 English translation that I'd originally posted. The unnamed translator had changed "le fils" to "daughter" rather than "son." An alternative translation is: "Yellow is the eldest child of light." —tg]

Although yellow occupies one-twentieth of the spectrum, it is the brightest colour. ~Derek Jarman (1942–1994), "The Perils of Yellow," Chroma: A Book of Colour — June '93, 1994

Nature rarer uses Yellow
Than another Hue –
Saves she all of that for Sunsets
Prodigal of Blue
Spending Scarlet, like a Woman
Yellow she affords
Only scantly and selectly
Like a Lover's Words –
~Emily Dickinson, c.1865

The popular vogue which green has enjoyed is passing. Jaded with over-refinements and super-subtleties, we seem to be harking back to the primary colors of life. The triumph of yellow is imminent. After white, yellow reflects more light than any other color. A few yellow chrysanthemums will make a small room look twice its size, and when the sun comes out upon a yellow wall-paper the whole room seems suddenly to expand, to open like a flower. When it falls upon the pot of yellow chrysanthemums and sets them ablaze, it seems as though one had an angel in the room. ~“The Yellow Boom,” in Current Literature, February 1895

Day shows off the beauty of red and yellow. ~Rumi, translated by Edward Henry Whinfield

The effect of yellow upon the mind is of a bright, gay, gladdening nature, owing to its likeness to light. ~W. J. and G. A. Audsley, Taste versus Fashionable Colours: A Manual for Ladies on Colour in Dress, 1863

...My brother loves a world of blue,
But yellow is to me
The gayest gold, and waving grain
Is lovelier than a tree...
~George Elliston, "For Difference," Bright World, 1927

When yellow wishes to ingratiate it becomes gold. ~Derek Jarman (1942–1994), "The Perils of Yellow," Chroma: A Book of Colour — June '93, 1994

What is yellow? pears are yellow,
Rich and ripe and mellow.
~Christina G. Rossetti, Sing-Song: A Nursery Rhyme Book, 1872

Green has the contract for the greater bulk of the vegetable life of the globe but his is a monotonous business: grass, grass, grass; trees, trees, trees, ad infinitum; whereas yellow leads a roving, versatile life, and is seldom called upon for such repetitive labor. The flowers we love best are yellow, and yellow, too, has its turn with the leaves — in autumn what an artist he shows himself when he "lays his fiery finger" upon them, lighting up the forlorn woodland with splashes of audacious gold! ~“The Yellow Boom,” in Current Literature, February 1895

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published 2015 Aug 12
revised 2018 Mar 14
last saved 2024 Dec 28